Hi syncrocrick,
Apologies for this late response, somehow I missed this thread.
About your need, please go to dir: templatesja_nexhtmlmod_jacontentsliderdefault.php
Scroll down to approx line 219 you could see this piece of code (display the title):
<?php if( $params->get( 'showtitle' ) ) { ?>
<div class="ja_slidetitle">
<?php echo ($params->get( 'link_titles' ) ) ? '<a href="'.$link.'" title="">'.$contn->title.'</a>' : $contn->title;?>
<?php } ?>
Cut and move it underneath the following code (display the image):
<?php if( $params->get( 'showimages' ) && (strlen($image)>3) ) { ?>
<div class="ja_slideimages tooltips clearfix">
<div class="ja_slideimages_inner">
<div class="content">
<?php echo $image; ?>
<?php } ?>
This will display the image above the title. Indeed, in the configuration of this module in backend, we have choice that you can choose to display this title (above the image) or not and display the ‘Intro text’ (under the image) or not.
Hope this helps you.