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  • Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend


    I use your Content Slider Modul, but missing some functions:
    – I cant display only featured articles
    – I cant display random articles

    What you think, do you add these options to this modul soon?

    Please answer ASAP.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi Ervin,

    Its true that JA Content Slider module doesn’t support the options you mentioned. I have forwarded your request to our development team. Anyway, I am afraid for not being in the position to confirm on adding those features.

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Now I need display featured articles. Is there a solution for it? Or I must wait if the developer team add these feature to the modul…


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is a heavy customization for JA Content Slider module as it requires major code changes, but you being a developer member our dev team decided to help you out.

    + Download and extract my attached files

    + Copy both files helper.php and mod_jacontentslider.xml into modules/mod_jacontentslider path

    + Don’t forget to backup old files before replacing the files.

    Once done, you can see featured articles and random options in JA Content Slider module of back-end site, see the screenshot.

    let us know how it goes.


    1. JAContentSlider
    1. customize.zip
    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Ohhh…Thank you very much…:-)
    It work perfectly.
    I think add these functions to this module is a good news not only for me.

    I have one more request:
    – I want display articles from some categories and subcategories. Add these categories is not problem (Categories Selection), but when I want display the latest from all selected categories it dont display correctly. First display the latest only from first category, after from next, etc.
    How I can set it or what I must change for do it correctly…

    If you have a solution please send me it ASAP.

    Thank you again


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi Ervin,

    You can try with configuration from JA Contenslider module as per this screenshot:

    Hope it helps.

    1. the_config
    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Thanx but it is not what I need. I have 2 categories and I need display min. 4 articles sorted by date.
    Any solution?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Maybe, you need to customize in helper.php file again

    Open modules/mod_jacontentslider/helper.php file


    $thumbnailMode = $params->get('source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode', 'crop');


    $compare = create_function('$a, $b', 'return strcmp($b->created, $a->created);');
    uasort($data, $compare);

    $thumbnailMode = $params->get('source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode', 'crop');

    Let me know if it helps

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Yes it wokr perfect…
    Thank you for your help.

    Armenos Lumen Leviticus Emmanuel Friend

    Random solution is great thank you
    This must be present by deafault


    Harikalar Kutusu Friend

    Thank you for this solution. I applied the modification to the current version. I hope these additions are added to the code soon…

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Harikalar Kutusu 10 years, 5 months ago.

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