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  • goyat Friend

    JA Contentslide Module causes 404 error page when you click on Read more in the second content page(Read more is set “ON” in the module)

    Please show me how to solve it or update the module.>:(

    bennitos Friend

    got a url where i can see the problem?

    goyat Friend

    My Sulfur site is set up in my local environment. Please use quickinstall package and set readmore on. You would see my problem.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi goyat

    It is very strangle because this option in module is enabled and it is the default of template.
    Please kindly upload your code to a server and send me your live url, admin account so that i could have a closer look on the issue

    goyat Friend

    It seems that the problem is the sample pages set on contentsslide. I deleted them all and wrote new pages set on contentslide. Then, the problme is solved. It is very strange.:eek:

    Sorry. That did not solve the issue after all. Please look at this.

    Here is the url causing 404 error.

    Here is the normal url.

    Joomla SEF is on.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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