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  • reivaj01 Friend


    I’m developing a new website basede in the Ja blazes template.

    I like to use the JA COntentslider in the same way is used in the demo, but I need to change the source of items to k2.

    All is treated correctly except the images. I try to solve this issue, and I think that the problem is in the helper.php file.

    In the line 236 (the call to function with 3 parameters), you can see:

    $image = modJacontentsliderHelper::parseImages($data[$i], $params, 'k2');

    and in the line 451 (the function definition with only 2 parameters), you can see:

    function parseImages(&$row, $params)

    Logically, in the function the third parameter is not used, and the image extraction is from the text (like a Joomla content) and not from the k2 images.

    Is possible to fixed it?


    n6rej Friend

    have you used our JAEM to update all your joomlart software? Please follow the update link in my signature if you have not.

    n6rej Friend

    please don’t go by our demo’s they are not as current as our updates… as I requested update your software.
    Please follow this video and update your software. Keeping your software current is the best way to ensure your site is running properly and is secure.
    The wiki for it is here http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/Overview then down about halfway on the left you’ll see the extension manager links

    dave_logic Friend

    <em>@n6rej 293593 wrote:</em><blockquote>please don’t go by our demo’s they are not as current as our updates… as I requested update your software.
    Please follow this video and update your software. Keeping your software current is the best way to ensure your site is running properly and is secure.
    The wiki for it is here http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/Overview then down about halfway on the left you’ll see the extension manager links</blockquote>

    The issue is the same in the current version of NEX with the latest version of this mod…Only extracts the introtext images not K2 images so updating this is pointless….ALL of your K2 modules do not work correctly…I have reported this several times but you choose to ignore…

    n6rej Friend

    <em>@dave_logic 293596 wrote:</em><blockquote>The issue is the same in the current version of NEX with the latest version of this mod…Only extracts the introtext images not K2 images so updating this is pointless….ALL of your K2 modules do not work correctly…I have reported this several times but you choose to ignore…</blockquote>

    Dave its certainly not a matter of ignoring you. We’ve released several updates this last week is why I’m asking… it really DOES matter. Anyway, I’ll pass your ticket onto the dev’s and we can see what they have to say.

    I’ll assume you have no issue with providing the dev’s with all the access info, including ftp.

    reivaj01 Friend

    Hello again

    I am running the latest version, and as I said on the ticket, I’m working on a development server without internet connection.

    I’ve been waiting 12 days for someone to open the file and see what it says on the first post, is it too much to ask 30 seconds dedicate to this?

    As stated dave_logic, you are not treated well the images of k2 and I think a mistake quite important for everyone.


    dave_logic Friend

    <em>@n6rej 293597 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dave its certainly not a matter of ignoring you. We’ve released several updates this last week is why I’m asking… it really DOES matter. Anyway, I’ll pass your ticket onto the dev’s and we can see what they have to say.

    I’ll assume you have no issue with providing the dev’s with all the access info, including http://ftp.</blockquote&gt;

    Dave its certainly not a matter of ignoring you.


    5 days no response….What is it then?? I have watched other posts get selectively answered in the NEX forum over the same period. A post saying that we or our Dev Team are looking into this would prevent people getting annoyed. The only post that was answered was answered incorrectly and with no outcome See here

    Anyway, I’ll pass your ticket onto the dev’s and we can see what they have to say.

    That is what I was told about the TelineIV issues – never hear a whisper back from anyone….I took the move to swallow my pride (and even apologise to you guys for getting annoyed ) and try out your very latest template with full support for the latest K2 so that I could move on and get this site done – Every K2 enabled module has an issue !!


    n6rej Friend

    <em>@dave_logic 293672 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dave its certainly not a matter of ignoring you.


    5 days no response….What is it then?? I have watched other posts get selectively answered in the NEX forum over the same period. A post saying that we or our Dev Team are looking into this would prevent people getting annoyed. The only post that was answered was answered incorrectly and with no outcome See here

    Anyway, I’ll pass your ticket onto the dev’s and we can see what they have to say.

    That is what I was told about the TelineIV issues – never hear a whisper back from anyone….I took the move to swallow my pride (and even apologise to you guys for getting annoyed ) and try out your very latest template with full support for the latest K2 so that I could move on and get this site done – Every K2 enabled module has an issue !!


    Dave I’m not going to sit here and argue with you. It doesn’t help anyone or anything.
    you know we had a weekend AND a holiday so I don’t think a few days w/o response is inappropriate.
    As for some getting answered and some not, I can’t speak for other mods. I know most were barely in if they were in at all.
    I told you I would pass on the ticket and I did… I don’t ever lie for anyone, so take it however you want to.
    .wether k2 modules have issues or not is not the issue for me. I’ve done my job by attempting to help understand and solve the issue. In this case passing it on to someone who CAN solve the issue.
    If thats not good enough for you then, unfortunately .. too bad so sad… I’m not a Politically Correct person and never will be so you get it STRAIGHT w/o sugar coating from me.
    The bottom line is you can be belligerent and get little assistance from me, or be polite and get the same back. Its really that simple. You doubt the quality of my work then ask my customers. I doubt the majority will say your correct.

    I checked the status of your ticket and its been assigned and the dev its assigned to I work with A LOT and he’s quite knowledgeable. Should we have issues with k2 module? Probably not, but again, considering K2 published so many updates including one MAJOR one, in a VERY short length of time, I’m not 100% surprised. If you’ve never tried maintaing over 200 separate extensions, try it sometime… its a hell of a lot of work..

    reivaj01 Friend

    Antoher day without news

    Excellent support …..

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi reivaj ,

    I think this fetaure will be updated soon into the ja contentslider module, to get a quick fixing for it you can try as following
    open the file of modulesmod_jacontentsliderhelper.php
    1) Add into it this function
    * Get image in k2 item
    * @param object $item
    * @param string $context
    * @return array
    function getK2Images($item, $context = ‘content’)
    $arr_return = array();

    if ($context == ‘k2’) {
    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_XS.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageXSmall’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_XS.jpg’;

    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_S.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageSmall’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_S.jpg’;

    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_M.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageMedium’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_M.jpg’;

    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_L.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageLarge’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_L.jpg’;

    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_XL.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageXLarge’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_XL.jpg’;

    if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . ‘media’ . DS . ‘k2’ . DS . ‘items’ . DS . ‘cache’ . DS . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_Generic.jpg’))
    $arr_return[‘imageGeneric’] = JURI::root() . ‘media/k2/items/cache/’ . md5(“Image” . $item->id) . ‘_Generic.jpg’;
    } else {
    //com content

    return $arr_return;


    2) look for this function
    [PHP] function parseImages(&$row, $params)
    $text = $row->introtext . $row->text;
    $regex = “/<img.+?srcs*=s*[“|’]([^”]*)[“|’][^>]*>/”;
    preg_match($regex, $text, $matches);
    $images = (count($matches)) ? $matches : array();
    if (count($images)) {
    return $images[1];


    And change it to
    function parseImages(&$row, $params,$context = ‘content’)
    $arrImages = $this->getK2Images($row, $context);

    return $arrImages[‘imageGeneric’];
    $text = $row->introtext . $row->text;
    $regex = “/<img.+?srcs*=s*[“|’]([^”]*)[“|’][^>]*>/”;
    preg_match($regex, $text, $matches);
    $images = (count($matches)) ? $matches : array();
    if (count($images)) {
    return $images[1];


    I hope this make sense !

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@reivaj01 293869 wrote:</em><blockquote>Antoher day without news

    Excellent support …..</blockquote>

    Unfortunately this is actually a new feature. While the template supports K2 not all of the extensions do and this is true for all template clubs to varying levels. It is also quite hard for any template club to keep up with the release schedule of all the various third party developers, even more so since the 6 monthly release cycle for Joomla begun. As I am sure you are aware it took nearly a year for K2 to even become compatible with versions of Joomla other than J1.5.x. When it was released for J1.6/7.x etc updates were coming almost weekly and some quite extensive.

    There is also a dilemma for the development team, should they bloat up extensions to provide support for so many third party tools such as K2, Zoo etc or should they keep their code lean and support core Joomla 100%? It is not an easy choice and one that is made a lot harder due to the methods employed by some of the third party applications.

    So please try and bear with us. As you can see the above modification is not a simple one and before implementing it into releases discussions have to be undertaken which does take time ontop of the actual development.

    dave_logic Friend

    Dave I’m not going to sit here and argue with you. It doesn’t help anyone or anything.

    Why are you then? 😉

    you know we had a weekend AND a holiday so I don’t think a few days w/o response is inappropriate.

    A fair enough point however in the 12 days of my brand new all singing and dancing JA subscription (inclusive of “7 days 100% Guaranteed Money back refund!!!” ) I have had no real help at all, I’ve been told off though ! …Why set the goal posts so high during the festive period with such a confident statement and encourage people to sign up by sending out Xmas discount coupon offers to potential customers when you have no support staff to handle this? By your own and your colleagues admission there was no support within that 7 day period so what actually are you selling here ???? – Not your problem….Well yeah it is as you are representing JA

    As for some getting answered and some not, I can’t speak for other mods. I know most were barely in if they were in at all.
    I told you I would pass on the ticket and I did… I don’t ever lie for anyone, so take it however you want to.

    I have never said you did have nor would I .

    .wether k2 modules have issues or not is not the issue for me. I’ve done my job by attempting to help understand and solve the issue. In this case passing it on to someone who CAN solve the issue.

    That statement is just wrong. You should care whether JA K2 issues have an issue as this is your job unless I am mistaken. The post I raised regarding this is still unanswered. See Here – Only 6 days without a response…suppose this is OK ?

    If thats not good enough for you then, unfortunately .. too bad so sad… I’m not a Politically Correct person and never will be so you get it STRAIGHT w/o sugar coating from me.

    No you certainly are not PC. In fact you are clearly rude!

    The bottom line is you can be belligerent and get little assistance from me, or be polite and get the same back. Its really that simple. You doubt the quality of my work then ask my customers. I doubt the majority will say your correct.

    I have been polite however I have also been factual. I signed up for a template with full K2 support. The one I chose mistakenly (debatable) didn’t so I chose the latest available from KA which also didn’t work corectly – What is is wrong about complaining about this…..??? It’s 12 days later now and absolutely no sign of a fix ?? Am I being unreasonable ? I am certainly being made to feel so. If you bought a new laptop and got it home and it didn’t work you would be pretty p***d surely ? You are now telling me that if I am not politer you wont help…Great !

    I checked the status of your ticket and its been assigned and the dev its assigned to I work with A LOT and he’s quite knowledgeable. Should we have issues with k2 module? Probably not, but again, considering K2 published so many updates including one MAJOR one, in a VERY short length of time, I’m not 100% surprised. If you’ve never tried maintaing over 200 separate extensions, try it sometime… its a hell of a lot of work….

    I’m sure it is very hard to maintain and believe it or not I do appreciate this…..I’m not complaining about things not working I am complaining about communication and the lack of. I’m also shocked at been made the bad guy here.

    I’m sure you are a nice guy and never intended to upset. My views / opinions are not or haven’t been directed at you but at my experience with JA as a whole…


    n6rej Friend

    <em>@dave_logic 293913 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    No you certainly are not PC. In fact you are clearly rude!
    I’m sure you are a nice guy and never intended to upset. My views / opinions are not or haven’t been directed at you but at my experience with JA as a whole…

    >:( you ain’t seen rude yet… for the betterment of your experience and JA as a whole I”m going to step aside from assisting you further.

    Phill Moderator


    Please, let us put aside the petty arguments here and simply work on your problem at hand.

    Does the solution provided above work for you?

    dave_logic Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 293919 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dave,

    Please, let us put aside the petty arguments here and simply work on your problem at hand.

    Does the solution provided above work for you?</blockquote>

    Hi Phill,

    Yes, I agree…I am very sorry things have got this way……If someone could update me when there is an update from the Dev Team I would be very grateful…..If you care to check my other posts on this board you would see that I do spend my other time here trying to help others in a polite manner not complain..



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Phill 13 years ago.

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