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  • unique33 Friend

    We need Ja Corona Template with mega menu and RTL support .


    TomC Moderator

    There are MANY pre-2010/T3 templates that would be greatly enhanced with the mega menu. Unfortunately, I think the “upgrade” process will be a bit slower than many of us would otherwise like. That’s not a slam on JA (as I think JA has been putting out some really fantastic product this year) . . . it’s just that I think they’re concentrating more on new and innovative offerings than they are updating their pre-existing template (at least, at a quicker pace).

    I would highly recommend signing up for a JA Membership …. and then, check out the following alternative –> http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/structure-a-navigation/menu-systems/drop-a-tab-menus/11578?qh=YTo4OntpOjA7czo0OiJtYXhpIjtpOjE7czo0OiJtZW51IjtpOjI7czo1OiJtZW51cyI7aTozO3M6NjoibWVudWVzIjtpOjQ7czoyOiJjayI7aTo1O3M6OToibWF4aSBtZW51IjtpOjY7czoxMjoibWF4aSBtZW51IGNrIjtpOjc7czo3OiJtZW51IGNrIjt9

    yoda_oz Friend

    how would you implement that “alternative menu” to ja_corona? the menu in ja_corona is hardcoded and doesn’t actually have it’s own module position.
    for a php/css newbie like myself is there any chance someone could give me some step by step instructions on how to implement a new menu system and replace the hard coded one supplied by ja?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear yoda_oz,

    there are 3 menu types that come with ja corona, you can switch between them in admin > templates manager.
    If you want to use your own menu, just install and publish it in a different position and then disable corona default menu, as following:
    – open templatesja_coronaindex.php
    – find this :

    <div id="ja-mainnav" class="clearfix">
    <?php $jamenu->genMenu (0); ?>

    Hope this will help.
    and replace it with:

    <div id="ja-mainnav" class="clearfix">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="the_module_position_you_have_placed_your_favourite_menu" />

    unique33 Friend

    hello ,
    I have implemented the maximenu CK module in the subnav portion of the ja corona menu .
    the menus from maximenu CK module is dispayed well on firefox and opera and chrome and safari .
    but in IE 7 the menus are underneath the user 4 position modules on top of the page .
    the z-index should be corrected . can anyone help on this ?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear unique33,

    Its hard for me to figure out without seeing your site, could you share your site link?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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