You can find the translated text for all text in this JA Countdown module in its language file: root/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jacountdown.ini
JACD_DAYS = "Days"
JACD_HOURS = "Hours"
JACD_MINUTES = "Minutes"
JACD_MINUTES_2 = "Minutes and"
JACD_SECONDS = "Seconds"
And yes, you can override this module in template. Let’s say you’re trying to override ‘layout5’ of JA Countdown module, just copy this folder: root/modules/mod_jacountdown/tmpl/layout5
paste into this folder in template:
root/templates/your_defaul_template/html/mod_jacountdown/ (create this folder if it doesn’t exist)
and customize as you wish: root/templates/ja_extensions_demo/html/mod_jacountdown/layout5/layout.php