test melih
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  • bothie Friend

    Hi, I want to use JA Directory to my city. I ‘have installed it, but I do not know how to change the default map and zoom Thank you for help.

    1. Ja_Directory_map
    pavit Moderator


    Please take a look at the documentation HERE

    bothie Friend


    And about the zoom?
    Indeed, I want to limit my card at the scale of a city.

    pavit Moderator


    Edit this file /templates/ja_directory/html/com_k2/directory/category.php and find

    1. $jamap = "{jamap locations='".json_encode($locations)."' map_width='100%' map_height='455' zoom='4' disable_scrollwheelzoom='1' display_scale='1' display_overview='1'}{/jamap}";
    2. echo $jamap;

    Change the zoom value as per your needs


    palos Friend

    I put this code last year but but this 1.0.2 template update override it. Now I did it again. 🙂
    Anyway I still have no glue why it centers the map to one specific item’s lat/long data.
    It is not the latest modified, not even featured (called "Porta sapien viverra vel" from the quickstart)

    pavit Moderator

    Hi @palosutca

    If you are still having problems with it please open a new topic so it will be also useful for other users reading the specific issue solution.


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