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  • mickalypickaly Friend

    I have just upgraded my site to joomla 1.7 and I’m using your JA Social template. I’m trying to get the JA Disqus plugin to work. First, if I have the disqus developer mode off then I get a message stating that Disqus was unable to load. But if I turn the developer mode on then it works. Is it alright if I leave the developer mode on or will that cause security issues or cause it not to function properly? Second, it won’t load properly in IE 8. The Comment box doesn’t show up and other things aren’t rendering properly.

    I might have given you the wrong URL. It ends in .net not .com

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>But if I turn the developer mode on then it works. Is it alright if I leave the developer mode on or will that cause security issues or cause it not to function properly?</blockquote>

    Have you created an account on Disqus.com ? when you create an account you can switch from developer mode to online, so this is not a security issue.

    mickalypickaly Friend

    Yes, I do have a disqus account. I have copied my website shortname from Disqus into the JA Disqus plugin. But unless I have the plugin set to developer mode it doesn’t work. Is there anything else I might be missing?

    mickalypickaly Friend

    Its the JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin that comes with the JA Social template.

    soaresa Friend

    <em>@mickalypickaly 288279 wrote:</em><blockquote>Its the JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin that comes with the JA Social template.</blockquote>

    It says SOLVED, but what is the solution for this problem? I am having the same issue since I upgraded to 2.5…:confused:

    pavit Moderator


    Please send me via PM your super user account details so i can take a look at your configuration.

    If all the steps described above were correctly done, the plugin works fine.

    mickalypickaly Friend

    <em>@soaresa 314620 wrote:</em><blockquote>It says SOLVED, but what is the solution for this problem? I am having the same issue since I upgraded to 2.5…:confused:</blockquote>

    It is working for me now but I’m still using 1.7. If you haven’t already you might want to make sure you are using the most current version of the plugin.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mickalypickaly 12 years, 8 months ago.

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