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  • sal2010 Friend

    concerning: JA Elastica. RTL

    Could any know any idea how to make the Joomlart JA ELastica an RTL oriented template!?

    Blaine Friend

    Enable right-to-layout by setting the isRTL option to true.
    See also if the DEV site helps you out on this customisation.

    sal2010 Friend

    Thank You for your ideas. It will help really
    I have compare the JA elastica css with the JAT3 Framwork css RTL and make some changes. It works but that is not what I can expect. Still trying another solutions but hope soon Joomlart will release Ja Elastica which support RTL. And ALL will happy!
    Also JA Typo don’t work with JA Elastica and JCE editor !!. In the previous J15 and J16 it was Ok

    Blaine Friend

    I’m sure you have seen it, but here is the User Guide for your reference.
    As for the typo, you have installed both Typo plugins?
    If so, then please read this post as I think you are having the same issue but with the typo plug in!
    Still working on the JCE issue, do be sure you have the latest version installed.

    sal2010 Friend

    <em>@Blaine 310440 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m sure you have seen it, but here is the User Guide for your reference.
    As for the typo, you have installed both Typo plugins?
    If so, then please read this post as I think you are having the same issue but with the typo plug in!
    Still working on the JCE issue, do be sure you have the latest version installed.</blockquote>

    Thank you again Blaine
    I do not have permission to access these pages!! no club member
    anyway. I used – isRTL- in the js and it works! but I go to conclusion that converting LTR RWD ( Responsive Web Design) based webite to RTL will have no sense since we can change the module position via “width”. may I am wrong!
    Concernig JA TYPO. I can’t solve it!
    I have latest JCE version, Jat3 plugins updated with ja-elastica and J25, rtl
    ja typo plugin 2.8.0

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sal2010 12 years, 9 months ago.

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