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  • rbarlow Friend

    I am trying to do some very simple things but I am getting really confused. I went to the forums for JA Fagus and read the installtion part on configuring the template.

    It says to change menu edit ja_fagus/ja_vars.php and edit line 39 for $ja_menutype=1 or what ever menu you want.

    Wnen I open ja_vars.php on line 39 I have.

    $ja_left = $this->countModules( ‘left’ );

    and I dont even see $ja_menutype=

    This never seems easy to me.

    mfcphil Friend

    In your Templates/Ja Fagus/Ja vars.php

    look for the following

    #support extra color themes
    $ja_color_themes = array(‘default’,’green’,’blue’); // You can add more color array if needed
    $ja_header_images_wide = array (‘header1.jpg’,’header2.jpg’,’header3.jpg’,’header4.jpg’,’header5.jpg’);
    $ja_header_images_narrow = array (‘header1-n.jpg’,’header2-n.jpg’,’header3-n.jpg’,’header4-n.jpg’,’header5-n.jpg’);
    # Change the width of the template
    $ja_width_default = ‘wide’; // ‘narrow’: 800×600; ‘wide’: 1024×768
    # default color
    $ja_color_default = ‘default’; //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes
    #font size default
    $ja_font_size_default = 3;
    # Enable users option
    $ja_tool = 6; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;
    # Choose your prefer Menu Type
    $ja_menutype = 2; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Moomenu

    Everyrthing you need is there I have coloured the menu for you.

    Hope this helps 😉

    rbarlow Friend

    Here is everything in my template/ja fagus/ja_vars.php. How can mine look so different than the one you have?


    * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 – 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.

    * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php

    * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant

    * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or

    * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or

    * other free or open source software licenses.

    * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.


    // no direct access

    defined( ‘_JEXEC’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );

    include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.’/ja_templatetools.php’);

    $tmpTools = new JA_Tools($this);

    $tmpTools->setColorThemes(array(‘default’, ‘blue’, ‘green’));

    # Auto Collapse Divs Functions ##########

    $ja_left = $this->countModules( ‘left’ );

    $ja_right = $this->countModules( ‘right’ );

    $ja_masscol = $this->countModules(‘user5’);

    if ( $ja_left && $ja_right ) {

    //2 columns on the right

    $divid = ”;

    } elseif ( ($ja_left || $ja_right) && !$ja_masscol ) {

    //One column without masscol

    $divid = ‘-c’;

    } elseif (($ja_left || $ja_right) && $ja_masscol) {

    //One column with masscol

    $divid = ‘-cm’;

    } elseif ($ja_masscol) {

    //masscol only

    $divid = ‘-m’;

    } else {

    //No column in right

    $divid = ‘-f’;


    //Main navigation

    $japarams = new JParameter(”);

    $japarams->set( ‘menu_images’, 1 ); // Source of menu

    $japarams->set( ‘menu_images_align’, ‘left’ );

    $japarams->set( ‘menutype’, ‘mainmenu’ );

    switch ($tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU)) {

    case 1:

    $menu = “Splitmenu”;

    include_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.’ja_menus/’.$menu.’.class.php’ );


    case 2:

    case 4:

    $menu = “CSSmenu”;

    include_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.’ja_menus/’.$menu.’.class.php’ );


    case 3:

    $menu = “DLmenu”;

    include_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.’ja_menus/’.$menu.’.class.php’ );



    $menuclass = “JA_$menu”;

    $jamenu = new $menuclass ($japarams);

    $hasSubnav = false;

    if (($jamenu->hasSubMenu (1) && $tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU) == 1) || $tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU) == 3)

    $hasSubnav = true;

    /*********** JA MooTabs Options ****************/

    $ja_mootabs_options = “

    width: ‘414px’,

    height: ‘auto’,

    duration: 1000,

    changeTransition: Fx.Transitions.Expo.easeOut,

    animType: ‘animMove’
    /*********** End JA MooTabs ********************/

    mfcphil Friend

    Wow all your edit details are missing…

    if you have not made any changes to your template I would download the template again and replace the code from the new download with your existing one.

    Ceck that the edit details are in the Ja vars.php cut/copy and paste over your

    this is the start of mine

    * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 – 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
    * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
    * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
    * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
    * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
    * other free or open source software licenses.
    * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

    // no direct access
    defined( ‘_VALID_MOS’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );

    $iso = split( ‘=’, _ISO );
    /*echo “<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”‘. $iso[1] .'”?’ .’>”;*/
    global $ja_color_themes, $ja_header_images, $ja_width_default, $ja_color_default, $ja_font_size_default, $ja_tool, $ja_menutype, $ja_template_path, $ja_template_absolute_path, $ja_headerimg, $ja_color, $ja_width, $ja_font_size, $ja_template_name;
    global $jaMainmenuLastItemActive;
    $jaMainmenuLastItemActive = false;

    $ja_template_name = ‘ja_fagus’;

    #support extra color themes
    $ja_color_themes = array(‘default’,’green’,’blue’); // You can add more color array if needed
    $ja_header_images_wide = array (‘header1.jpg’,’header2.jpg’,’header3.jpg’,’header4.jpg’,’header5.jpg’);
    $ja_header_images_narrow = array (‘header1-n.jpg’,’header2-n.jpg’,’header3-n.jpg’,’header4-n.jpg’,’header5-n.jpg’);
    # Change the width of the template
    $ja_width_default = ‘wide’; // ‘narrow’: 800×600; ‘wide’: 1024×768
    # default color
    $ja_color_default = ‘default’; //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes
    #font size default
    $ja_font_size_default = 3;
    # Enable users option
    $ja_tool = 6; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;
    # Choose your prefer Menu Type
    $ja_menutype = 2; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Moomenu

    mfcphil Friend

    Well lets not do any of the stuff we have just said because this seems to be a 1.5 template issue

    Your template is the 1.5 version and mine is not…so everything I have just tried to explain to you is gobbledegooke

    Menalto Friend

    Go to Extensions>Template Manager>Mark Ja-FAgus and press edit, there you get some options to edit the template.

    mfcphil Friend

    Menalto do you think two user guides are required now?

    Menalto Friend

    Well, many things is required here now to be honest. And a new userguide is one of thoose things.

    alicia Friend

    Another guide would be great…but this may go beyond that…

    When you switch to blue in the control panel– everything does change except the the main menu highlight links in position left. When you look at the css file, it just lists the default rust color throughout.

    Even when you keep the 3 color option and switch between colors, it does not seem to effect the link highlight in that main menu.

    It should automatically change, and definitely should change when you go to a one color template.

    So the question is why won’t it change, and how to make it change…

    Inquiring minds want to know.


    dpk Friend

    To restate the problem:

    JA Fagus for Joomla 1.5 does have a working splitmenu. Also, it only offers CSS, Moo, and Split as options. Split is the only one that does not work.

    Alicia has posted a different problem about the color scheme options.

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