Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
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  • Khanh Le Moderator

    1. Bugs in userdetails page:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in componentscom_comprofilerpluginuserplug_cbcorecb.core.php on line 240

    Fix: Open file componentscom_comprofilerpluginuserplug_cbcorecb.core.php, goto line 238, replace this line

    if ( ( count( $userParams ) > 0 ) && in_array( $_CB_framework->getCfg( "frontend_userparams" ), array( '1', null) ) ) {


    if ( is_array($userParams) && ( count( $userParams ) > 0 ) && in_array( $_CB_framework->getCfg( "frontend_userparams" ), array( '1', null) ) ) {

    2. Fireboard: HTML tags in category title causes the metatag break.

    Fix: Open file components/com_fireboard/template/default/view.php, line 475, search code

    $metaKeys= ($fmessage->subject. ', ' .$objCatParentInfo->name . ', ' . $fbConfig->board_title . ', ' . $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename']);
    $metaDesc= ($fmessage->subject . ' - ' .$objCatParentInfo->name . ' - ' . $objCatInfo->name .' - ' . $fbConfig->board_title);

    Replace to

    $metaKeys=htmlspecialchars ($fmessage->subject. ', ' .$objCatParentInfo->name . ', ' . $fbConfig->board_title . ', ' . $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename']);
    $metaDesc=htmlspecialchars ($fmessage->subject . ' - ' .$objCatParentInfo->name . ' - ' . $objCatInfo->name .' - ' . $fbConfig->board_title);

    Khanh Le Moderator

    In administrator panel, component Fireboard, Forum Administration section: In some server configuration, the html tags and quote cannot be used in Forum name, description.

    File: administrator/components/com_fireboard/admin.fireboard.php
    In function editForum, search this code (line 385)


    Insert following code after the above code

    $row->name = htmlspecialchars($row->name);

    In function saveForum, search this code (line 469)

    if (!$row->bind($_POST))
    echo "<script> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>n";

    Insert following code after the above code

    $row->name = str_replace (array("\\","\"","\'"), array("\",""","'"), $row->name);
    $row->description = str_replace (array("\\","\"","\'"), array("\",""","'"), $row->description);
    $row->headerdesc = str_replace (array("\\","\"","\'"), array("\",""","'"), $row->headerdesc);

    Sherlock Friend

    4. Link to user CB profile is not correct
    File: componentscom_fireboardclass.fireboard.php line 37

    $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link='index.php?option=com_comprofiler' AND published=1");

    $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link LIKE '%index.php?option=com_comprofiler%' AND published=1");

    Sherlock Friend

    5.Public cannot see FireBoard posts
    File: com_comprofilerpluginuserplug_cbsimpleboardtabcb.simpleboardtab.php (line 319)
    change from

    foreach ($allowed_forums as $af){
    if (count ($allow_forum) == 0 ){
    else {

    To :

    foreach ($allowed_forums as $af){



    markb1439 Friend

    Will these fixes be applied to the download version of the template?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    markb1439;84472Will these fixes be applied to the download version of the template?

    Yes, the Quickstart you download has been applied with above fixes

    mayke Friend


    I just download yesterday, and installed on my local computer, after read in the forum that I should use admin for the username and password then I can login to the administrator area, everything is fine,
    I love this template after teline II.

    So far no other issues but when I click the COMMUNITY menu, the page goes blank?
    Is the same when I click one of the picture under CB GALLERY MODULE, it brings me to the blank page again.
    And I cannot click the Component > Community Builder, the page goes blank too?

    I am using MAMP PRO, Any clue for me?

    Thank you.

    Sherlock Friend

    Very strange
    Can you try to install again ?

    mayke Friend

    Hi Nguoiabcd,

    Still didn’t work.
    And I cannot install on my server for testing since JA have new domain regulation

    Click Community menu result blank with address:

    Click CB Gallery Module blank with address:

    Click Components Community Builder blank with address:

    Thank you

    markb1439 Friend

    <blockquote>And I cannot install on my server for testing since JA have new domain regulation
    Is this true? I thought this mechanism was not going to be implemented.

    mayke Friend

    <em>@markb1439 84999 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this true? I thought this mechanism was not going to be implemented.</blockquote>

    So far I never heard any changes about the domain regulation should started since september,
    there is too many changes in JA this lately…
    maybe you’re right,
    coz I am not following the latest news about that.
    will see, I’ll be glad to hear officially announcement …….

    bympub Friend

    I have been experiencing the same issue. I get the same screen mayke gets except i’m not on a local host.

    mayke Friend

    <em>@bympub 85052 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have been experiencing the same issue. I get the same screen mayke gets except i’m not on a local host.</blockquote>

    I just re-download JUST NOW, after new installation, still got the same problem.
    Will somebody tell us how to fix this???

    mayke Friend

    Any clue???

    Menalto Friend

    <em>@mayke 84797 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I just download yesterday, and installed on my local computer, after read in the forum that I should use admin for the username and password then I can login to the administrator area, everything is fine,
    I love this template after teline II.

    So far no other issues but when I click the COMMUNITY menu, the page goes blank?
    Is the same when I click one of the picture under CB GALLERY MODULE, it brings me to the blank page again.
    And I cannot click the Component > Community Builder, the page goes blank too?

    I am using MAMP PRO, Any clue for me?

    Thank you.</blockquote>

    Have you tried to use XAMPP as your local server?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mayke 16 years, 3 months ago.

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