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  • micawber Friend

    When using Ja Frontpage is it possible to have the image on the lead stories align to the left of the text and not on top?

    questbg Friend

    Can you send a screengrab of your problem, or a site URL so we can take a look please?


    micawber Friend

    Thanks for the quick reply. Here’s what I mean – I’d like the headline Accessibility Report and the text underneath it to line up to the right of the Access Matters image

    questbg Friend

    Do you have ‘caption’ applied to the image? If so, turn it off. Also, shorten your heading if possible, smaller words seem to work better!

    micawber Friend

    Is caption the same as alternate text? I removed alternate text, and reduced article title to just one letter to see if it would make any difference. No change. I presume article title is what determines the headline?

    micawber Friend

    By the way this is how the html for the image shows in the editor
    <p><img align=”left” alt=”” src=”” />Dublin City Coucil has published a series of reports that detail the current position with regard to acessibility in its parks.</p>
    Thanks again

    micawber Friend

    Found this thread which gives several solutions, including the option of specifying caption class, editing template.css, blog.php. Tried them all. No luck. Tried different editors. No change there either. Is this a Joomla issue, a Teline issue, or just a me-being – dim issue?

    micawber Friend

    Perhaps some one who has succesfully resolved this issue could post a sample of the html code that actually works – if that is the problem. If the answer lies in modifying php code any advice is welcome. On the other hand if the problem lies with me, becoming a joomla expert will have to get in line with all the other things I need to do to make myself a better person.

    ravynone Friend

    I am having this same problem with JA News FrontPage using Teline II. It doesn’t seem to matter how the image is aligned, it always shows up at the top of the text in JA News Frontpage. The image is correct in JA News and in the article itself. Is anyone else having this problem?

    ravynone Friend

    <em>@ravynone 103075 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am having this same problem with JA News FrontPage using Teline II. It doesn’t seem to matter how the image is aligned, it always shows up at the top of the text in JA News Frontpage. The image is correct in JA News and in the article itself. Is anyone else having this problem?</blockquote>
    I found the solution. Edit the following file:


    Very near the beginning (around line 21) change:

    $imgalign = ”;


    $imgalign = ‘left’;

    Works great!!

    David Friend

    <em>@ravynone 103087 wrote:</em><blockquote>I found the solution. Edit the following file:


    Very near the beginning (around line 21) change:

    $imgalign = ”;


    $imgalign = ‘left’;

    Works great!!</blockquote>
    In addition, to making the change to the headline_fp.php file mentioned by ravynone above, you may need to make a couple of changes to solve the problem of there then being no space between the image and the text.

    This involves a small edit to the helper.php file in modules>mod_janews and/or modules>ja_news_fp. At about Line 35:

    change: $image = “<img src=””.$image1.”” alt=”{$row->title}” $align />”;
    to read: $image = “<img src=””.$image1.”” alt=”{$row->title}” $align style=”margin: 2px 12px 12px 2px; ” />”;

    and a few lines further down:

    change: $image = “<img src=””.$image.”” alt=”{$row->title}” $width $height $align />”;
    to read: $image = “<img src=””.$image.”” alt=”{$row->title}” $width $height $align style=”margin: 2px 12px 12px 2px;” />”;

    Adjust the figures to suit your own layout.

    Hope this helps.


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