Hi to everybody!
I have a big problem with JA Header Module, that make me crazy… problem is: how I can set order of displayed images?
I want display images in a right order (say image01, image02, image02, and so on…) to build a structured message along images…
I’m using JA-Xenia template and i spent long time to find a solution, but JA Header Module seems to pick images with unpredictable order. Why?
a) Order parameter is set to “sequential”
b) file names are: “banner_1.jpg, banner_2.jpg, banner_3.jpg,…., banner_6jpg”
I tried to change file-names, but nothing seems to work… somebody can help me???
(I spent a lot of time to create beautiful image and now I cannot use them… )
thanks, Giulio Buccini (Rome – Italy)