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  • thewebguy Friend

    Hi, I have downloaded and installed ja header antares 1.5 version for a joomla 1.5 of antares –

    however I cannot seem to get it to appear at all – even incorrectly :confused:

    I have enabled it. I have tried placing it in the header, banner, slideshow and a few users – to no avail. I changed the images path for the header images (as was going thru ja-villadi) I even uploaded ja villadi too and tried using it’s images !

    I have a header folder in both antares template (which I am default) and in villadi (which is not allocated at all now)

    I note a person said following on forums but I dunno if they were using the 1.5 header module:
    “I’ve had a look at a few of the files for the ja_header module. mod_ja_header.php, ja_headerxml.php both use variables starting with $mos (no longer in J1.5). I tried updating those then noticed the ja_headerxml.php also uses functions from J1.0 which are have been replaced. Starting to understand why there is no update path from 1.0.x to 1.5…..

    If anyone is able to get the ja_header functioning in J1.5, please let me know.

    So I am not alone. I cannot imagine that ‘they’ would create and name a ja_header1.5 which is not compatible.

    One other little thing – I miss the preview with positions option that was in joomla 1 to help choose possible targets – but hey! thats another story.

    can you let me know if i should just move away from antares with 1.5 whichis a pity as It is very nice…
    Thanks, Rosa:)

    jimmiehendriks Friend

    I don’t have the solution but maybe this has something to do with it?
    I updated joomla 1.5.0 > 1.5.2. From that moment on I have the same problem you describe. No pictures in ja_header1.5 on XeniaII template, its dead. On joomla 1.5.0 it worked perfect! I am no programmer but maybe someone else…..

    I see an error message in Firefox:

    Error: imgs[0] has no properties
    Bronbestand: http://www.mywebsite.nl/modules/mod_ja_header/ja_header/ja.header.js
    Regel: 20

    Below is a copy of ja.header.js

    Image Cross Fade Redux
    Version 1.0
    Last revision: 02.15.2006

    Rewrite of old code found here: http://slayeroffice.com/code/imageCrossFade/index.html


    var d=document, imgs = new Array(), zInterval = null, current=0, pause=false;
    var fadetime = 3000;
    function so_init()
    if(!d.getElementById || !d.createElement)return;

    imgs = d.getElementById(‘ja_header_jsfade’).getElementsByTagName(‘img’);
    for(i=1;i<imgs.length;i++) imgs.xOpacity = 0;
    imgs[0].style.display = ‘block’; :(( Regel: 20
    imgs[0].xOpacity = .99;


    function so_xfade()
    cOpacity = imgs.xOpacity;
    nIndex = imgs?current+1:0;
    nOpacity = imgs[nIndex].xOpacity;


    imgs[nIndex].style.display = ‘block’;
    imgs.xOpacity = cOpacity;
    imgs[nIndex].xOpacity = nOpacity;


    imgs.style.display = ‘none’;
    current = nIndex;

    function setOpacity(obj)
    obj.xOpacity = .99;

    obj.style.opacity = obj.xOpacity;
    obj.style.MozOpacity = obj.xOpacity;
    obj.style.filter = ‘alpha(opacity=’ + (obj.xOpacity*100) + ‘)’;

    jana1 Friend


    I have the same problem with Ja_Villadi, Joomla 1.5.2 and the Header Module.

    I updated joomla 1.5.1 to 1.5.2. and from that moment on I have the same problem. The header module does not work. :confused:

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi everybody !

    I have the same problem with ja header module in villadi for joomla 1.5.2 . I haved fix it following way :
    open mod_ja_header.php file in modulesmod_ja_header folder
    change code section at about line 64 :

    $regex = '/'.implode ('|', $ja_header_imgtype).'$/i';


    $regex = '/'.implode ('|', stripcslashes($ja_header_imgtype)).'$/i';

    This is small bug . I think JA will fix it soon !

    jimmiehendriks Friend

    hainn84, toppie (that’s dutch for great!) it works again 🙂


    iquana Friend

    One little problem with that patch. If you have warnings on you’ll get Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in C:wamphtdocsxxxmodulesmod_ja_headermod_ja_header.php

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi iquana !
    You do following way :
    – You download attachment file then extract.
    – Copy and overwrite mod_ja_header.php file to modulesmod_ja_header folder
    good luck !

    ellie_t Friend

    Thanks. This worked for me after reinstalling the header module update i was given, then updating the .php per your instructions…

    michaell Friend

    Hi I have tried changing it and it came out in the header box ” function.implode”. Can you pleae help?

    michaell Friend

    Hi Hainn84,
    Replacing the file it works! but the function.implode still came out after the last image.
    thanks. Michael

    ellie_t Friend

    did you 1. uninstall module 2. reinstall module 3 update php file?
    don’t use the zip file above but do it yourself with the instructions he wrote out that is above that post with the zip file.

    the zip file didn’t work for me but when i edited myself using his instructions, it worked completely.

    brucetaylor Friend

    I have tired everything in this thread and I getting the attached error.

    When I attempt to run flash I get an error preventing the site from runing.

    Any idea’s? I am running Joomla 1.5.2


    1. New-Picture-1
    brucetaylor Friend

    I have managed to fix my site. I was missing the a.jpg in my images file

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