Hung Dinh Friend
Hung Dinh
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July 31, 2008 at 7:46 am #131578JA Hedera – Userguide
- For users who start your Joomla! site at the beginning, I recommend you using QuickStart package of JA Hedera, named as ja_hedera_quickstart_v…_j1.5.x.zip. For instruction how to use JoomlArt quickstart package, please check the QuickStart guide
- For users who new to Joomla!, there are many useful documents available at http://joomla.org about Joomla! and how to use, please spend some time to check them out.
Here is some other guides that may useful for you:
- For users that already have a site with contents and other extensions installed, please follow my instruction below to understand how JA Hedera works:
1.1 Template Installation
After downloading JA Hedera package and extract it, you will find template package named: ja_hedera_template_v…_j1.5.x.zip
Proceed installation of JA Hedera as other normal Joomla! templates. If you don’t know how to do installation or set a template as default, please check the How to install Joomla! template guide.
After installing and setting JA Hedera as default template, your site should look like this:
To see positions located in site, in Navigation toolbar input string “?tp=1” at the end of site link
1.2 Template Configuration
To configure JA Hedera, On Admin panel, choose Extentions >> Template Manager, click on template name , you will see parameters of template.
In here, you can change all JA Hedera parameters as you wish.- Logo type: Logo display in site, has two type: Image and Text
- Logo text: text displayed in logo if you choose Logo type is Text.
- Slogan: Slogan displays below logo
- Font size : Increase/Decrease font size (from 1 to 6).
- Template Width: type of template screen (Wide/Narrow screen)
- Color Variation: 3 color themes (Default, Cyan, Green)
- Menu Type: type of menu displayed in site (Mainmenu/Topmenu…..)
- Menu Module: include Split/Css/Moo menu
- Show Component: two option Yes or No
Please hover your mouse to each parameter to see its explanation and details.
Please click here for JA Hedera module positions and its arrangement. Base on module positions, you can publish your modules on them to match JA Hedera style.
If you don’t know how to create module position in Joomla!, please follow this guide
When extracting JA Hedera package, you will see the folder named Extensions. All extensions needed for Hedera template in here, there are two module packages: JA Content Slider & JA Newslight
You check How to install Joomla! module guide for installation.2.1 JA Content Slider module(mod_jacontentslider.zip)
[position: gallery]This module will display your content in a slide. Its will slide one per one content with your direction. When you move your mouse over the image beside slide, The slide’s direction will change with that direction in image and slide will move faster. Then, when you move your mouse out the image, the slide will keep new direction and the slide will move with old speed.
You can set to use or not use ajax, if you set not module will load all product one time else module will load only one product one time. We advise you should set this option to Yes if you have a lot product and No if you have a few product.
You can:
- Slide your content with your width and height properties.
- You can set the number of content will display in a tab.
- You can set the categories contents will display.
- You can set display title, link title, introtext, read more text links or not.You can set the slide to auto run or not. Default is yes.
- Set direction of slide. Default is left
- Set to use zip javascript file or not. You should chose yes for this option.
- And the last is set time for rolling delay time and animation time.
- Check in your configuration in your site if there isn’t this line “var $absolute_path = ‘your absulute path’;” you have to add its there to run.
- If your site hadn’t import mootools.v1.1 so to run this module you have to remove all comment characters in code On line 78 in mod_ja_contentslide.php file to import mootools v1.1
On demo, it looks like:
In Admin panel, go to Extensions >>Modules Manager and click on module name ( JA Content Slider )to go to configuration page.
Here is the setting of JA Content Slider on demo:
Parameters Explain
- Include Mootools library: Choose if you want to include mootool library or not. This module require mootools library ver 1.1x to functions, if your page already included motools library, you don’t need to include it again.
- Title: Choose show or hide content title
- Read More: Choose to show or hide Read more… link
- Intro text: Choose to show or hide content’s intro text
- Show image: Show the images in the content or not
- Category: The category that JA Content Slider will display its contents
- Linked Titles: Make the title link able or not
- Number Characters: How many characters will be display, set to 0 for unlimited.
- Height of div: Height of the div will be displayed
- Width of div: Width of the div will be displayed
- Height of image: Height of images will be displayed
- Width of image: Width of images will be displayed
- Number Element: How many element (items) will be displayed.
- Auto run slide: The slide will run automatically or not.
- Direction: Direction for the Auto Run
- Use compression js file: Use the compressed javascript file or not
- Use Ajax: Set to use Ajax to get content or not
- Rolling delay time: The time in millisecond for items change.
- Animation time: the time in millisecond for animation.
Now, if you want your site is similar to demo site: follow these steps:
- Login to the right module position. Select module Login and change the position to right. Then we set the menu order like this: “Login Form” 1, “Statistics” 2 then click on Save Order
- Select the module Polls and set to position left.
- View your site, does it looking good? You will see it still lacking something from the demo page? Yes, there are 2 sample modules we’ve put there, you can create these two module by click New on the Modules page, and put the html code to the Custom Output textbox. However, I will leave these two position for you to put any module you like to.
- Goto Menu >> mainmenu >> Home and set the parameters as below:
- #Leading: 0
- #Intro: 2
- Columns: 1
- Links: 0
- Now it is time to edit your content to make your site more beautiful. If you just want the content like the demo page, please follow this link to download the dump SQL file: http://demo.joomlart.com/Archives/ja_hedera_content.sql. You need to delete 3 tables, jos_content, jos_categories, jos_sections and import the SQL file you’ve already download to current database. (jos_ is the table prefix, please open the SQL file you’ve already downloaded and change jos_ to your table prefix before import)
Note: This task (5) is for new installation ONLY and NOT recommended if you already have contents in your database. THIS TASK CAN NOT BE UNDO.
2.2.JA Newslight module(mod_janewslight.zip)
[position: left]On demo, JA Newslight module looks like:
In Admin panel, go to Extensions >> Modules Manager and click on module name ( JA Newslight )to go to configuration page.
Here is the setting of JA Newslight on demo:
Now, is parameters explanation:
- Module Class Suffix: add suffix for module to inherit CSS style from template
- Add Module CSS: set to add the ja_newslight.css to module or not
- Add CSS to Header: set to yes or no to add module separate CSS style to header.
- Category: Category for JA NewsLight to display.
- Max Chars: Set the maximum characters to display. type 0 for unlimited.
- Image Width: With of images
- Image Height: Height of images
- Columns: Set how many column will be displayed. Set to 0 to disable all JA NewsLight content.
- numbercontent: How many articles in selected category to be shown.
- Show Intro: Show the intro text or not
- Show image: Show the images or not
- Show Readmore: Show the read more link or not.
JA Hedera came with a rich typography to give users more ability to customize content look and feel. Please check all JA Hedera typography here at JA Hedera Typography
To have best presentation like JA Hedera demo, you have to configure content item not show on frontpage by these steps:- In administrator area, go to Menu~Mainmenu and click to Home
- In right zone, you will see Headline, Intro, Link set all of them to 0 to invisible all content in frontpage.
- Create your customs module, publish them in user1, user2, user5 modules.
Q: My images take a lot of white space and do not look good?
A: The {mosimage} may show some extra padding and margin. To solve this problem, go to your Joomla! Administrator -> Mambots -> Site Mambots and change the margin and padding parameters of MOS Image mambot to 0.Q: Images without caption are stuck with text?
A: It is because Joomla! generates the code different when {mosimage} has and doesn’t have its caption. So when you decide that the image will not having a caption, put it between the div tag like this <div class=”mosimage” style=”float: left;”>{mosimage}</div>Q: What’s a module style? And module class suffix?
A: Almost modules offer you a parameter called Module Class Suffix. Set a value for this parameter and you will have your module’s appearance differs from the others. JA templates often provide you some module styles which can be found in Module Styles area of the guide.Q: I changed my default color/font/resolution but when I refresh the page, it didn’t change?
A: JA template use client’s cookie to save your preferences. If you made change to default value, please close the browser, open a blank new window and then clear the browser’s cookie. You’ll see the new preferences applied.Q: Some of my menu looks horrible. Why?
A: Menus in JA templates are designed with the most semantic mark up are used over the net, it’s the list style. If you made change to the menu type, go to you menu module and change the menu type parameter to Flat List. It will solve the problem.Q: I want to change some graphic contents
A: PSD/PNG files and fonts can be found in the template’s source package. Please download the file at our download page in case you need to modify something.Q: It’s just a template, why need so many steps to configure and install?
A: No, it’s more than just a template. The package we provided included template and related modules, components and source files. The page you see in our demo site is the set of template + module + component. If you want to make your site look like the demo page, you need to follow our instructions above. -
This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Hung Dinh 16 years, 6 months ago.
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