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  • dontflinch Friend

    I would like to request some community support regarding this package and it seems to me like my issue is most likely a JA Larix styling problem.

    I got this edition from virtuemart and believe it is a legit copy.

    why can’t non paying folks use the jalarix forum since it is freely and publicly available?

    help and support might help some want to belong here, when we just stumble in from this.

    you released the version for all, so please let us all talk about the problems we have with it here?

    jay973 Friend


    Larix is a Club Template, where exactly did you get your copy?



    dontflinch Friend

    hi jay, cool pitbulldog in your avatar 🙂

    I searched and saw where this issue of if it was a club template was discussed before but no real answer was arrived at. also I then lost the thread and couldn’t find it again, lol.

    this is the package available at virtuemart.net as I already mentioned. 😉

    dontflinch Friend

    found it:


    I don’t understand how this seems to be a legit, mass-marketed version and yet JA seems to be unaware?

    jay973 Friend


    Cheers, it’s my old Staffy, Pits are illegal here in the UK.

    Could you post a link or pm me the site address where you got the template from?



    dontflinch Friend

    you have mail

    dontflinch Friend

    so, after a few pm’s with jay we are both convinced that JA_Larix IS freely available as part of the Virtuemart project, just to clear that up.

    Now, I think I have come up with the source of this problem I am having and wonder if some JA person might be able to help as the problem I think is (at least partly) in:


    which is obviously some JA script and I know NOTHING about javascript but

    I commented out

    if (i==0)
    objsep = document.createElement("SPAN");
    objsep.className = "ja-separator ja-firstsep";
    p.parentNode.insertBefore(objsep, p);

    anyway and at least some of the problem has resolved, in FF anyway, haven’t had time to check IE7 yet or even see if this messed up the IE6, that was ok before. If anyone knew what the heck they were doing with JS you could prolly see, fix and explain the fix in under 5 minutes.

    I have spent HOURS searching around and on firebug and validators until I am pretty sure I know WHERE the problem is, just not how exactly to fix it correctly. Can someone help? I am happy to offer the entire thing for someone to post in the private Larix board (wish it were public!!!) along with screenshots.


    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@dontflinch 132107 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would like to request some community support regarding this package and it seems to me like my issue is most likely a JA Larix styling problem.

    I got this edition from virtuemart and believe it is a legit copy.

    why can’t non paying folks use the jalarix forum since it is freely and publicly available?

    help and support might help some want to belong here, when we just stumble in from this.

    you released the version for all, so please let us all talk about the problems we have with it here?</blockquote>

    To clear this up:

    JA Larix was sponsonred by Joomlart.com to be included into the eCommerce Package already months ago, like half a year by now, officially.

    There is nothing like it was added without the knowledge of Joomlart.com. Like JA Purity was added to the Joomla!, Larix was added to the VM. The difference is that JA Larix is ALSO a paid template, where JA Purity never was a paid template!

    More differences are, that the included Module VM Product Slider is not a free module. The eCommerce Package included it as a QUICKSTART ONLY module but you do not get a module package to install it easiely on any other free site. This will be one reason why JA Larix is still a paid template too. You also do not get a template install file and so on.

    This is a free gift for those being new to the eCommerce business, to learn something and to use it for maybe their first site they do. Later, when it works out, they may get a membership here and use the full version or even JA Mesolite, JA Zeolite or any other future VM Template without restrictions. This is why this is a fair offering, support you can get also here in the public forums or in any other local Joomla Forum. To complain about support when you get stuff worth a membership for free with certain restrictions is kind of “strange”.

    That the forum for JA Larix is not public is for some people not so good but you also pay for the support when paying for a membership and support you can also get outside this community in any other Joomla community for free.

    There is one issue with the minicart.tpl, you need a certain new file, that first was only available in the paid forums, but as it is only a bug fix it was already provided by members here in the public forums, a forum search may help you on with this.

    Thanks and much fun!

    dontflinch Friend

    I’m sorry that you feel like because I am offering “site feedback” from a complete outsider’s perspective that I am “complaining”.

    I don’t know anything about who chose to release what and why. I went and downloaded a “quickstart” ecommerce edition because I had never set up a shop before. I had used joomla, but not purity, and never knew anything about joomlart til this. so I came to realize joomlart existed and that this was probably some sort of joomlart problem and came here looking for help. All I have gotten is suspicion and being blocking from the one forum that could have helped me and now that I figured out an (albeit ugly) solution I don’t have anyway here to make sure others will see it in the appropriate place.

    so even according to your own standard, “use it for maybe their first site they do. Later, when it works out, they may get a membership here and use the full version”, I have not been able to get any real support, and so why would I come back and pay?

    I don’t know about this minicart.tpl fix and thanks for mentioning it, I will look into it, but I have somewhat “fixed” the problem I was having which was an issue that came out of the box to me in this ja_script.js file, not the minicart one as far as I can tell? I did plenty of searching before I posted, I assure you and didn’t see that. Of course if I could have “browsed” the larix forum maybe I would have seen it?


    I am pretty sure this is some sort of problem with the way the HTML_Table is rendered and the SPAN tags being in weird positions relating to the table tags and also not closing.

    Here are the edits I made to this file:


    # JA Larix for Joomla 1.5 - Version 1.4 - Licence Owner JA130602
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    # @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
    # Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
    # Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com
    # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
    /* Hack remove value inpu of Vm */
    window.addEvent('domready', function(){
    var vm_inputs = getElementsByClass ("addtocart_button", null, "INPUT");
    var vm_inputs1 = getElementsByClass ("addtocart_button_module", null, "INPUT");
    if ((!vm_inputs || !vm_inputs.length) && (!vm_inputs1 || !vm_inputs1.length)) return;
    for (var i=0; i<vm_inputs.length; i++)
    var vm_input = vm_inputs;
    vm_input.value = "";

    if (!vm_inputs1 || !vm_inputs1.length) return;
    for (var i=0; i<vm_inputs1.length; i++)
    var vm_input1 = vm_inputs1;
    vm_input1.value = "";


    function switchFontSize (ckname,val){
    var bd = $E('BODY');
    switch (val) {
    case 'inc':
    if (CurrentFontSize+1 < 7) {
    case 'dec':
    if (CurrentFontSize-1 > 0) {
    CurrentFontSize = val;
    Cookie.set(ckname, CurrentFontSize,{duration:365});

    function switchTool (ckname, val) {
    createCookie(ckname, val, 365);

    function createCookie(name,value,days) {
    if (days) {
    var date = new Date();
    var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
    else expires = "";
    document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

    String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, ""); };

    function changeToolHilite(oldtool, newtool) {
    if (oldtool != newtool) {
    if (oldtool) {
    oldtool.src = oldtool.src.replace(/-hilite/,'');
    newtool.src = newtool.src.replace(/.gif$/,'-hilite.gif');

    //addEvent - attach a function to an event
    function jaAddEvent(obj, evType, fn){
    if (obj.addEventListener){
    obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
    return true;
    } else if (obj.attachEvent){
    var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
    return r;
    } else {
    return false;

    function equalHeight (elems){
    if (!elems) return;
    var maxh = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++)
    if (elems && elems.scrollHeight > maxh) maxh = elems.scrollHeight;

    for (i=0; i<elems.length; i++){
    if (elems) elems.parentNode.style.height = maxh + "px";

    function adjustVMCatList (className, cols){
    var vmCatList = getDivElemsByClass (document, className);
    k = 0;
    var items = new Array();
    var vmCatProduct = null;
    var objsep = null;
    var divwidth = Math.floor(998/cols)/10 + "%";
    var p;
    for (var i=0; i<vmCatList.length; i++)
    vmCatProduct = vmCatList;
    p = vmCatProduct.parentNode;
    p.style.width = divwidth;
    p.style.margin = "0";
    items[k] = vmCatProduct;


    if (i==0)
    objsep = document.createElement("SPAN");
    objsep.className = "ja-separator ja-firstsep";
    p.parentNode.insertBefore(objsep, p);


    if (k<cols && i < vmCatList.length - 1)
    vmCatProduct.className += "ja-rightseparator";
    objsep = document.createElement("SPAN");
    objsep.className = "ja-separator";
    p.parentNode.insertBefore(objsep, p.nextSibling.nextSibling);
    if (items.length > 1)
    equalHeight (items);
    items = new Array();
    k = 0;

    function getElem (id) {
    var obj = document.getElementById (id);
    if (!obj) return null;
    var divs = obj.getElementsByTagName ('div');
    if (divs && divs.length >= 1) return divs;
    return null;

    function getFirstDiv (id) {
    var obj = document.getElementById (id);
    if (!obj) return null;
    var divs = obj.getElementsByTagName ('div');
    if (divs && divs.length >= 1) return divs[0];
    return obj;

    function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
    var classElements = new Array();
    var j = 0;
    if ( node == null )
    node = document;
    if ( tag == null )
    tag = '*';
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
    var elsLen = els.length;
    var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\s)'+searchClass+'(\s|$)');
    for (var i = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
    if ( pattern.test(els.className) ) {
    classElements[j] = els;
    //alert(searchClass + j);
    return classElements;

    function getDivElemsByClass (parent, className) {
    var objs = parent.getElementsByTagName ('div');
    var elems = new Array();
    var j = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<objs.length; i++)
    if (instr(objs.className, className) )
    elems[j++] = objs;
    return elems;

    function instr(str, item){
    var arr = str.split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
    if (arr == item) return true;
    return false;

    function equalHeightInit (){
    var ja_spl = document.getElementById('ja-botsl');
    if (!ja_spl) return;
    var jablocks = getElementsByClass ("moduletable", ja_spl, "DIV");
    equalHeight (jablocks);

    jaAddEvent (window, 'load', equalHeightInit);

    function fixIE() {
    var objs = getElementsByClass ("createdate", null, "TD");
    if (objs) {
    for (var i=0; i<objs.length; i++){
    objs.innerHTML = "<span>" + objs.innerHTML + "</span>";
    jaAddEvent (window, 'load', fixIE);

    it’s ugly and makes all the dotted cell dividers disappear but I’ll take that to off kilter tables anyday.

    here is also a link to the virtuemart forum where I include some screenshots and describe this problem in more detail:

    I’ll just seek support there from now on, thanks.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@dontflinch 132692 wrote:</em><blockquote>I went and downloaded a “quickstart” ecommerce edition because I had never set up a shop before. </blockquote>

    That is exactly what I mean, for this the JA Larix is provided by Joomlart.com to people who start their first shop and to see how it works.

    Anyway, when seriously considering opening an own shop, the 70$ for a paid membership should be part of the budget.

    To your problem, I never heard about this problem, and saw a lot of posts here and in other Joomla forums about JA Larix, but never about a problem with the JS file. All I can think about, is that when you touch Javascript you must know what you do, as a fault in JS can cause a lot of more errors as forgetting some code in a html or php file.

    I would reinstall the complete package again and make no changes to files that should stay untouched as long one is not a developer and knows the template. Most support problems are about other issues and as soon it is JS problem there will only be few who know how to help.

    Like I said, try a new install of the package and the problem should be gone. Whenever you already made changes to the template, it is hard to say if what exactly is the reason, especially in this case with no common error. Do not expect a positive solution in the VM Forum either, people have a lot ofther things to do, as this really looks like the error comes from your coding on the template and I would say it is to a 99,9999% not an error that is coming up in all packages, as otherwise people would have mentioned this one before. Those packages are included once and not changed again.

    LAST TO MENTION, the recent update of Joomla! to 1.5.11 and VM to 1.1.3 can also be a reason, but there it is that you cannot await a quick fix for a free product, in case it is due to the updated version of the software. Like I said, try a new install, when the error is gone, great, when not, go some other way, use some other template or try to find a solution with a lot of luck..

    Much success with it anyway!:)

    dontflinch Friend

    wooohanetworks;132693That is exactly what I mean, for this the JA Larix is provided by Joomlart.com to people who start their first shop and to see how it works.

    Anyway, when seriously considering opening an own shop, the 70$ for a paid membership should be part of the budget.

    To your problem, I never heard about this problem, and saw a lot of posts here and in other Joomla forums about JA Larix, but never about a problem with the JS file. All I can think about, is that when you touch Javascript you must know what you do, as a fault in JS can cause a lot of more errors as forgetting some code in a html or php file.

    I would reinstall the complete package again and make no changes to files that should stay untouched as long one is not a developer and knows the template. Most support problems are about other issues and as soon it is JS problem there will only be few who know how to help.

    Like I said, try a new install of the package and the problem should be gone. Whenever you already made changes to the template, it is hard to say if what exactly is the reason, especially in this case with no common error. Do not expect a positive solution in the VM Forum either, people have a lot ofther things to do, as this really looks like the error comes from your coding on the template and I would say it is to a 99,9999% not an error that is coming up in all packages, as otherwise people would have mentioned this one before. Those packages are included once and not changed again.

    LAST TO MENTION, the recent update of Joomla! to 1.5.11 and VM to 1.1.3 can also be a reason, but there it is that you cannot await a quick fix for a free product, in case it is due to the updated version of the software. Like I said, try a new install, when the error is gone, great, when not, go some other way, use some other template or try to find a solution with a lot of luck..

    Much success with it anyway!:)

    clearly you have not thoroughly read what I have written or investigated this at all.

    I would have never touched a javascript file and didn’t want to last night but could tell this was probably the problem and when I edited it, it was fixed! and I am using 1.1.2 not 1.1.3.

    I suspect most people use the “list” layout and even in “table based” layout IE (most common browser) appears normal, that is probably why there are not many comments on this and if anyone cared in JA development THEY would check a fresh install. I have no way of knowing if others have made similar questions here in Larix support, now would I? I have been told there are many problem threads there.

    additionally, this is not my site being developed, I am doing it for an elderly friend on a VERY low budget and 75$ would be almost half what I was given for hosting, name, etc, for this particular project, so thanks for watching my money.

    this is why I won’t come back here, you think any of this makes me want to use JA? Why even bother giving it for GNU/GPL use if one is going to be haughty about it and keep a paid version to make support difficult and suspiciously question people about their use of the template when they do wander over here? I saw that on several threads while I wasn’t searching. there have been several minor bugs and problems with this template and there’s no help for free users here anyway really…
    It is true the virtuemart forums aren’t the best, but occasionally there are those who want to help and at least they generally aren’t looking down their nose while doing it.

    I’ve already marked this post answered and won’t return, no further comment is necessary, thanks.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dontflinch 15 years, 6 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum