I have a problem with the JA Law template and the Contact page. I write a message but I never receive it, I have checked my spam and in the Joomla > Server administration when I test the email via PHP Mail I receive it well.
I have installed the site with ja_lawfirm. zip which contains all the Joomla files as well as the template and I have the problem with the contact page = never receive the email. On the homepage there is a quick contact form and there it works, I have the email.
I tried with a clean installation of Joomla 3.8.3 and then applying only the template with the ja_lawfirm. v1.0.0.0. zip file and then everything works. But I should redo the website entirely.
So I think that the problem comes from the complete Joomla file with the template included.
Do you have more informations ? ANyone already tried this template ?