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  • arucardx Friend

    While testing SSL today, I notice that lazyload doesn’t support SSL as it returns http:// for the images url. Causing a partially encrypted problem.

    For example

    <div class="item-image">
    <a class="item-link" href="/category/blahblah-link-to-article">
    <img class="lazyload" src="http://mydomain.com/cache/jalazyload/900x506.png" longdesc="http://mydomain.com/media/k2/items/cache/imagehash_XL.jpg" />
    <span> </span>

    To fix that problem, I modified the code for lazyload a little. (Need developer to confirm if the fix is correct)

    In jalazyload.php line 141, I changed this line from

    $r[0] = 'class="'.$cls.'" src="'.$img_data.'" longdesc="'.$src.'"';
    $r[0] = 'class="'.$cls.'" src="'.$img_data.'" longdesc="'.$orgSrc.'"';

    line 205 from

    $img_src = JURI::base().'cache/jalazyload/'.$fileName;
    $img_src = '/cache/jalazyload/'.$fileName;

    line 227 from

    $img_src = JURI::base().'cache/jalazyload/'.$fileName;
    $img_src = '/cache/jalazyload/'.$fileName;

    So now the html code for the images output looks like this

    <div class="item-image">
    <a class="item-link" href="/category/blahblah-link-to-article">
    <img class="lazyload" src="/cache/jalazyload/900x506.png" longdesc="/media/k2/items/cache/imagehash_XL.jpg" />
    <span> </span>

    That solves the HTTPS partially encrypted issue but then I’m not sure if that is the right fix for lazyload. Especially when $src is used to check if the image is external.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi arucardx,

    I raised it on our bug tracking system. Please follow this link http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JATCWALLJ25-474 to get updated.

    We will check and fix issue soon. Thanks so much for reporting.

    arucardx Friend

    Thanks for raising the bug report. I’ll look forward to the fix then.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi arucardx,

    I do not know why JURI::base() returns ‘http’ in for a https url.

    I did on our server and all images are returned correctly with data-original=”https://….” and the lazyload works well.

    It would be terrific if you provide the problem context for me to invest the problem.

    I think the error should come from external image link, but it looks like that you are using internal link and pls describe steps by steps to reproduce this issue.

    I am waiting for your information.


    arucardx Friend

    Hi Wall Crasher,

    While troubleshooting another problem, I realize the reason why JURI::base() returns http is because a value was set for “live_site” in configurations.php.

    Once the live_site value was removed, JURI::base() correctly returns https if the url is a https.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi arucardx,

    Yes, you are right.
    I think it would be better to remove the live_site and let Joomla auto detect the url,

    I also wonder why Joomla does not fix this issue. It was raised a long time ago.

    I think they suggest to use blank value. :laugh:


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