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  • kreta Friend

    What is your programm for Ja Lens and Ja Wall in the future.
    You want to integrate it with T3?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    JA Lens and JA Wall use a responsive layout solution which are built from scratch using Joomla 2.5 standard template system.

    There are a few reasons we did not use JAT3 with JA Wall and JA Lens

    JAT3 was introduced in 2008. A major upgrade JAT3 2.0 was rolled out in 2010 when “responsive design” had not been introduced into the web design industry.

    I am very confident and proud of the fact that JAT3, up to now, is the most popular and powerful template framework for Joomla, it can
    server all kind of design requirement, from unlimited layout options as well as the 4 advanced navigation system, minifed JS, CSS and a total cache solution.

    From our first successful JAT3 base responsive project: JA Elastica, we relized that any responsive design must be very minimal and simple as possible, we should be very loyal to the simplicity and undesign trend. This will be very useful to the webmaster and site owner to update content when the template is being used in real life.

    And while narrowing our design concept into this trend, we set a goal that we need to create a design where graphic and “design element” should take less than 10% of the users’ screen; sparing 90% of the space for content and information.

    And with this “whole new way of thinking“, we were asking if it would be a good idea to start coding from scratch?

    1. We should not use Megamenu for a responsive design. It can be very complicated for majority of JoomlArt (and Joomla) users to make them work in mobile, touch
    2. The “Pinterest block design” (JA Wall) and the Metro UI (JA Lens) will need a code customization into JAT3, and we also can do it from a scratch from the core Joomla template system.
    3. JAT3 support unlimited layout system, for responsive layout, we only need 1 layout. If we use T3, we will just use 5% of it’s supported features.
    4. We believe that most of our users are quite new to responsive design and it can be better if we use less codes, less configuration and setup. We don’t want to introduce another extra layer of learning curve by mixing both T3 + Responsive Grid together.

    In the next few weeks, we will try to put all the insights of the JA Wall (and possibly Lens) into a blog post so you can have an in-depth understanding why JA Wall are different (and can be used differently) from standard Joomla templates.

    ciptamedia Friend

    If JA Wall and JA Lens did not use T3 Framework, why JA Puresite still use JAT3? I think JA Lens and JA Puresite have same consept “responsive” template.

    hotsd101 Friend

    actually this give me flexible options.

    Hung, t3 is one of best frameworks, its excellent work, keep up 😉

    today i also build some 3 custom template on blank jat3 framework (which is very good) (1.5) only to find, major issue in quickstart sources from joomlrt. the quick start completely for blank t3 completely forget to add (10, ‘users’, 1, ‘Users’, 0) to jos_core_acl_aro_sections, meaninging when user is added in joomla, they cannot appear in user manager at all. so must manually run INSERT INTO `jos_core_acl_aro_sections` VALUES(10, ‘users’, 1, ‘Users’, 0);

    Hung, i know its older version 1.5 and possible u not support anymore but since the blank t3 have this major bug why it cannot be fixed, since its ezy and the frameworks is very excellent ? plz have your team correct, i dont know why nobody report this issue to you since its last update 6 month ago. thenx

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