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  • cybernun Friend

    Since Ja Lens is a Responsive template, Slideshow Lite is called Lite because it has few parameters
    I must display images in ascending order
    . I have named them numerically but they are displaying randomly.

    I’m afraid to change anything (because of the sensitivity of this Responsive template).

    Is there a snippet of code I could safely inject? 😮

    it’s set to “fade” but it’s going too fast. Just tell me where & what to slow it down.


    swissa Friend

    Move. Get on the right side of the pond so that you don’t ask questions when it’s bedtime here!! :p

    Have you tried listing them as you want them? i.e. it reads the first desc first so shows it first? Clear cache of the site first of course before viewing. Got to be worth a try or have you already done that? First come , first served style of thing…..I wonder if it really could be that simple?!

    Ok, now to move outside my comfort zone; I think the fade time etc comes from either ja_lens/modules/mod_jaslideshowlite/assets/script.js or /modules/mod_jaslideshowlite/mod_jaslideshowlite.php

    Please take a copy of these files before playing and don’t curse me if it fails!! >:(

    The js has this set at line 12

    varJASliderCSS = newClass({

    Implements: Options,

    options: {
    interval: 5000, <try playing with this - this must be the time viewing
    duration: 500, < and this - this I think is the fade time

    repeat: true, //animation repeat or not
    autoplay: true, //auto play

    navigation: false, //show navigation controls or not
    thumbnail: false, //show thumbnail or not

    urls: null,
    targets: null

    and in /modules/mod_jaslideshowlite/mod_jaslideshowlite.php at line 76 it has this code

    <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function(){
    window.jassliteInst = window.jassliteInst || [];
    window.jassliteInst.push(new JASliderCSS('ja-ss-<?php echo $module->id;?>', {
    interval: 5000, < same as the js file
    duration: 500, < same as the js file

    repeat: true,
    autoplay: <?php echo $autoPlay;?>,

    navigation: <?php echo $showNavigation;?>,
    thumbnail: <?php echo $showThumbnail;?>,

    urls:['<?php echo implode('','', $urls); ?>'],
    targets:['<?php echo implode('','', $targets); ?>']

    I’d love to know from JA if I am on the right track and I hope I am, but as I said yesterday my Lens is so kaput and I’m so busy that I haven’t had time to play properly on my own site as yet!!

    If you don’t feel comfortable playing with this, wait for one of the big boys to show up!! :laugh:

    cybernun Friend

    Mr. Swissa—-

    I so appreciate the time you make to provide possible solutions. I will indeed try them.
    Yes, I always copy original files but thanks for the reminder.
    And as far as the Big Boys showing up…you are a Big Boy to many of us in the Forum (even with the Big Boys MIA, it’s still one of the best Joomla forums around…a sentiment I know you agree with).

    Will let you know what happens. You get a chance to look at my logo solution in the other discussion? I added a screenshot, :-*:-*

    PS: The ascending order Slideshow Lite issue: My files are named, sl-1.jpg, sl-2.jpg and so on. despite that, they display randomly.

    cybernun Friend

    I am happy to report that your solution worked!
    I just changed the parameters in Ja_lens/modules/mod_jaslideshowlite/assets/script.js
    and all is well!

    Also. You were right. It was a cache issue. Slideshow plays in ascending order. I guess we can close this ticket out but can you tell how I do that? I feel stupid asking but see no obvious way.

    THANK YOU SWISSA! :-*:-*:-*

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