Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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  • cheapwebz Friend

    Hi It said on my dash board i need to update joomla, so i did and now i can’t see anything on my site ? i was updating to add a google analytics plug in as i could find anywhere to add the tracking ID

    cheapwebz Friend

    still no help or guidance i have also submitted a ticket. I really don’t want to have to start the site all over again all i did was click update to update joomla, please some one help site is at


    wingly Friend


    Tell me please what version of Joomla did you have and what version is it now? Did you install any other components? thank you

    cheapwebz Friend

    Hi there all i know was i installed the quick start lens_j31 i think it was something like 3. something and i just installed the update.

    wingly Friend


    First of all – HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): – is more related to the server issue,


    lens_j31 – i guess it was on Joomla 3.1.x and you updated to 3.2.3 apparently. And i would not recommend doing that. Joomla 3.1 and 3.2 itself has different server options and components versions requirements;

    First of all try to install a clean Latest Joomla 3.2.3 With it’s demo content. And if you encounter no error during process and it will work correctly then installing the template and every component apart would be the best issue. Normally all the stuff will take not more then 10 minutes.

    But i assume you will encounter errors during the installation and you will have to contact the support of your host so that they change your server setting for them to be compatible with the latest Joomla version. So please right at the first step on installing Joomla Make sure all requirements are GREEN highlighted, no red or yellow messages. And i would appreciate to receive some screen-shots on any further question!

    Thank you very much for your patience, hope it will help you!

    cheapwebz Friend

    Hi thanks for the quick response how ever is there no quick fix just to get it back to how it was i had done quite a few edits and all my stuff was updates and images and text installing joomla may only take 10 min but actually doing all the content will take days

    wingly Friend


    Well the fastest and secure way on my opinion is to contact the support of your host. Give them the link and tell them it’s a Joomla website. And that on forums people say that it is a host problem ask them to see what’s the problem and if they can fix it;

    p.s. While you will be waiting for their reply, i suggest you create a sub-domain, with it’s personal database like (testj32.

    ) and try installing the Latest Joomla there and let’s see how it is going. And if encounter error please provide screen-shots. Thank you!

    cheapwebz Friend

    To keep you updated

    from host

    Hannah Morys – Technical Support: This is in the .htaccess file:

    ## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    Hannah Morys – Technical Support: It’s causing the error, so I am going to comment the second line out with a #
    Simon Harley: ok
    Hannah Morys – Technical Support: ## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
    #Options +FollowSymLinks
    Hannah Morys – Technical Support: Hmm still not working.

    wingly Friend


    OK so this is what you have to do

    1) go to /plugins/system/remember/ find the remember.php file and rename it to rememberBroke.php

    2) Unzip the archive i have attached then paste the file in to /plugins/system/remember/

    3) Refresh and login to your admin panel and go to Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Database and click on Fix

    4) Now go back to /plugins/system/remember/ and delete theremember.php and rename the rememberBroke.php back to remember.php

    5) Refresh and enjoy

    Hope it works!

    1. remember.rar
    cheapwebz Friend

    A big thank you the issued is solved.

    cheapwebz Friend

    hi mate for ja lens i want to add google analytics what module should i use or should i just paste the code into the site if so where do i put it any help @wingly can you help pls

    wingly Friend


    Go to templates/ja_lens/ and open the file index.php

    between line 120 and 121 Right before </head> paste your Google tracking script.

    cheapwebz Friend

    Hi all so working on ja lens again on a different project of mine if you look at the two files i want to incoperate the logo some where i was thinking left hand side before the 100% anyone have any ideas and where it would look good also the code i need to input to get my logo showing ?

    1. celebrity-signed-logo-2
    2. Screen-Shot-2014-04-04-at-11.22.30
    wingly Friend

    Dear @cheapwebz;

    Please create another thread with this question, we try not to discuss different issues in the same thread as other users will not be able to see and find them when they are solved. So please post a new thread with this issue and be a bit more detailed and we will help you out with it;

    p.s. this thread is Marked as solved already

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wingly 10 years, 5 months ago.

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