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  • smitheringale2 Friend


    I’m developing a new website for a client of mine. I have an issue with the login module not working. If I try to log in on the home page, nothing happens. If I try to log in on an internal page, it redirects me to a page not found. Can you help shed some light on this matter. I’ve provided site access details along with this request.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have spent lot of time checking your site. The login module does not work when using super admin to test but it works fine when using new account from front-end ‘abcd’.

    You can go admin and change password of abcd account to test this.


    smitheringale2 Friend


    Having problems with this login I installed things again using your quickstart package and the login was working. However, suddenly today it’s not working again.

    If I try to login on the home page, the page just reloads but nothing happens. If I try to login on another page, it redirects me to a page not found.

    Can somebody help with this please? Cheers!

    <em>@smitheringale2 334391 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I’m developing a new website for a client of mine. I have an issue with the login module not working. If I try to log in on the home page, nothing happens. If I try to log in on an internal page, it redirects me to a page not found. Can you help shed some light on this matter. I’ve provided site access details along with this request.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,


    smitheringale2 Friend


    OK, interesting – I have a solution! It s the password! I used a strong password generator to produce my password and it had a “%” symbol at the beginning (and some other punctuation in there too). Changing the password to remove the punctuation and the login across the website works just fine again.

    <em>@smitheringale2 334548 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Having problems with this login I installed things again using your quickstart package and the login was working. However, suddenly today it’s not working again.

    If I try to login on the home page, the page just reloads but nothing happens. If I try to login on another page, it redirects me to a page not found.

    Can somebody help with this please? Cheers!</blockquote>

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Great, thanks for your feedback.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 12 years, 4 months ago.

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