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  • cmart02 Friend

    I was using JA Social and the JA Login was a great tool, since it cleared space out. However, it does not seem to work with NEX.

    The same goes with JA Top Panel (it leaves an unwanted block at the top).

    Is there any way to get these two to fit in NEX?

    pavit Moderator


    Have you done all these steps to create positions and new styles in the template.css ?

    cmart02 Friend


    Thanks for the help. It seems alright, except for two things?

    1. When I login, I get a button to log out, which screws things up in terms of layout. How do I change from button to text only?
    2. When I try to log out, it will not log me out. It simply returns an “Invalid Token” message with a blank screen. How do I fix that?
    pavit Moderator


    Could you post a link to the page where you installed the module ? so i can take a look closer and please set the CSS optimization to NO


    cmart02 Friend


    I don’t have a test site, so I put it up on my production site. The address is: http://www.msofficegurus.com.br/

    Another thing I had not tested, but which is not working is creating a new account. When I try to create a new account it redirects me to the login page. You can try that yourself.

    Thanks for the help.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you PM a super user account to your back end so i can check your configuration ?

    I have tried to register but i didn’t received any activation link


    cmart02 Friend

    I activated your account and changed your user group details. You can login using the details you`ve provided.

    pavit Moderator

    You have problems with the default login module too returns an error on logout

    I have noticed from your configuration that you have your logs folder unwritable please assign chmod 755 to that folder and try again your login module.

    cmart02 Friend

    The folder location was incorrect. I’ve put back the correct config and the login occurs OK for the built-in login module. However, the JA Login continues to return “Invalid Token” when I try to logout using it. It logs is OK.

    The other thing is that the create account form won’t work.

    cmart02 Friend


    I think I’ve cracked it… Here’s what I did:

    1. I followed the instructions as per link provided (I then had the problems mentioned above)
    2. I copied over the folder “mod_jalogin” located at “templatesja_socialhtml
    3. Pasted the folder “mod_jalogin” onto “templatesja_nexhtml”
    4. Edited the default.php and added the line <?php echo JHtml::_(‘form.token’); ?> (right before the closing tag </form>)


    I had a “JFolder::create:” problem after following up number 1 above. After changing locally and uploading, the following folder lost permission: t3-assets/css/

    I had to reset permission for that folder too.

    I now need help translating the form and fixing the css. I need to get rid of the botton. I want it to read “Logout” only. The button occupies too much space and I am struggling finding where to fix the css so that it shows the words only, not the words and button.

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