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  • Stian Blaasberg Friend


    I need some sort of captcha plugin integrated into ja login module, spam and fake names are registered daily.. Could any one help me?
    Running on Joomla 2.5, and newest version of JA Social.


    Phill Moderator

    I have found this one available free on the JED works very well – http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/access-a-security/site-security/captcha/11521?qh=YTo1OntpOjA7czo3OiJjYXB0Y2hhIjtpOjE7czo4OiJjYXB0Y2hhcyI7aToyO3M6ODoiJ2NhcHRjaGEiO2k6MztzOjg6ImNhcHRjaGEnIjtpOjQ7czo5OiJjYXB0Y2hhJ3MiO30%3D

    I have yet to test it with Joomla 2.5 though. You can see it working in the link to my site in my signature. If it is the sort of thing you want get back to me and I will test it on J2.5 and if it works post instructions on application.

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Hi Phill!

    Thanks for the info. I tried the method you have described in another thread. It works on every page exept, kunena forums, wich get a 500 internal server error when using edited default.php from ja_login..

    Phill Moderator

    When do you see this 500 error? Is it when you click the logon form or all the time on Kunena?

    500 errors are hard to diagnose sithout the server logs. If you have access to those or your host can tell you what the error message logged on the server is maybe I can help.

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    All time on Kunena when default.php is edited to work with osolcaptha.

    Error log from server doesnt say much: <blockquote>[Mon Mar 12 15:07:12 2012] request failed: error reading the headers, referer: http://www.diystash.com/252/index.php/forum</blockquote>
    Or is it just me looking at the wrong place?

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Okey, its not just kunena that doesnt work, articles does not work either(but they dont generate 500 error). jdownloads component seems to work as it should, but thats the only one. http://www.diystash.com/252/index.php/downloads/ vs. http://www.diystash.com/252/

    Phill Moderator

    Which probably means this captcha does not work with Joomla 2.5. I will need to do some testing then I will get back to you, probably tomorrow or sometime later tonight.

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Okey 🙂 Thanks 😉

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Have you had time to look into it, Phill?

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@cod3gen 307657 wrote:</em><blockquote>Have you had time to look into it, Phill?</blockquote>

    Yes, I have tried a few things and at the moment there isn’t a suitable replacement for OSOL. I have asked the devs if they can incorporate the built in captcha in J2.5 to the forms and they are going to try for a future release but I cannot give a timeframe on that.

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Okey. thanks anyway, Phill.

    Is there a easyway to just disable the register function and just redirect a click to joomla`s registration page?

    Stian Blaasberg Friend

    Ive disabled ja_login`s registration module, and the button now redirects to joomlas registration page

    Incase anyone else needs to do this:
    open templates/ja_social/html/mod_jalogin/default.php

    Search for:
    [PHP]href=”<?php echo JRoute::_(“index.php?option=com_users&task=registration”);?>” onclick=”showBox(‘ja-user-register’,’namemsg’,this, window.event || event);return false;” >[/PHP]

    Replace with
    [PHP]href=”<?php echo JRoute::_(‘index.php?option=com_users&view=registration’); ?>”>[/PHP]

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