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  • cyres Friend


    ja login:

    1) how to change the text “Create an account” in “Register”?

    2) how to provide different texts for the popups

    3) idem for different languages, when using falang? (=successor of joomfish)


    pavit Moderator

    Hi Cyres

    <blockquote>1) how to change the text “Create an account” in “Register”?</blockquote>

    Go to this file language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jalogin.ini and modify this line of code

    REGISTER=”Create an account”

    <blockquote>how to provide different texts for the popups</blockquote>

    You can modify this file templatesja_businesshtmlmod_jalogindefault.php

    For example “[PHP]<span><?php echo JText::_( ‘Verify mail’); ?>: * </span>[/PHP]

    change the value in the JText::_( ‘

    <blockquote>idem for different languages, when using falang?</blockquote>

    You must search in the component folders .ini files

    cyres Friend


    Can I define a language vairable (xx-XX.ABC.ini) in the ini files and use them in the php files (jtext etc)?

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@cyres 310242 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks!

    Can I define a language vairable (xx-XX.ABC.ini) in the ini files and use them in the php files (jtext etc)?</blockquote>

    Yes you can do also in this way

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