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July 25, 2008 at 10:38 am #131330JA Mesolite – Userguide
- For users who start your Joomla! site at the beginning, I recommend you using QuickStart package of JA Mesolite, named as ja_mesolite_quickstart.zip. For instruction how to use JoomlArt quickstart package, please check the QuickStart guide
- For users who new to Joomla!, there are many useful documents available at http://joomla.org about Joomla! and how to use, please spend some time to check them out.
Here is some other guides that may useful for you:
- For users that already have a site with contents and other extensions installed, please follow my instruction below to understand how JA Mesolite works:
1.1 Template Installation
After downloading JA Mesolite package and extract it, you will find template package named: ja_mesolite_template.zip
Proceed installation of JA Mesolite as other normal Joomla! templates. If you don’t know how to do installation or set a template as default, please check the How to install Joomla! template guide.After installing and setting JA Mesolite as default template, your site should look like this:
To see positions located in site, in Navigation toolbar input string “?tp=1” at the end of site link
1.2 Template Configuration
To configure JA Mesolite, On Admin panel, choose Extentions >> Template Manager, click on template name , you will see parameters of template.
In here, you can change all JA Mesolite parameters as you wish.- Logo type: Logo display in site, has two type: Image and Text
- Logo text: text displayed in logo if you choose Logo type is Text.
- Slogan: Slogan displays below logo
- Font size : Increase/Decrease font size (from 1 to 6).
- Template Width: type of template screen (Wide/Narrow screen)
- Color Variation: 3 color themes (Default, Cyan, Green)
- Menu Type: type of menu displayed in site (Mainmenu/Topmenu…..)
- Menu Module: include Split/Css/Moo menu
- Show Default Frontpage: two option Yes or No
- Show screen tools: two option Yes or No
Please hover your mouse to each parameter to see its explanation and details.
Please click here for JA Mesolite module positions and its arrangement.
When extracting JA Mesolite package, you will see the folder named Extensions. All extensions needed for Mesolite template in here, there are 3 modules packages and vm-theme package.
You check How to install Joomla! module guide for installation.
Here are extensions used in JA Mesolite:
Note: [xx] before each extension is its position.- [slideshow] JA Slideshow module
- [vm-lp] JA Vmproductslide module
- [ja-news] JA New module
Now, it is time to create custom position to place modules. and needed positions are: vm-lp, vm-fp, vm-cart, ja-news, slideshow….If you don’t know how to create module position in Joomla!, please follow this guide
And extension details as follow:
If your site has not VirtueMart yet, please follow these steps to install VirtueMartStep 1: Download VirtueMart from VirtueMart website
Step 2: Install VirtueMart Component, VirtueMart Modules and others that you need
To be similar to our demo, you must install- mod_virtuemart_featureproduct module
- mod_virtuemart_cart module
- mod_virtuemart_currency module
Virtuemart_featureproduct module
[position: vm-fp]
on demo, it looks like:
And parameter:
Virtuemart_cart module
[position: vm-cart]
On demo, it looks like:
And parameter;
Virtuemart_currency module
[position: top]
On demo, it looks like
And parameter:
Step 3: Go to Extension folder and extract ja_vm_themes.zip
Step 4: Upload extracted file to your Joomla_site_path. It is right now, if you see folder ja-mesolite in Joomla_site_path/components/com_virtuemart/themes/
Step 5: Go to Joomla! Admin>>Components>>VirtueMart>>Configuration>>Site: in Layout frame, choose ja-mesolite in dropdown list Select the theme for your shop
If your site already has VirtueMart, you only follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Extension folder and extract ja_vm_themes.zip
- Step 2: Upload extracted file to your Joomla_site_path. It is right now, if you see folder ja-mesolite in Joomla_site_path/components/com_virtuemart/themes/
- Step 3: Go to Joomla! Admin>>Components>>VirtueMart>>Configuration>>Site: in Layout frame, choose ja-mesolite in dropdown list Select the theme for your shop
So, you have integrated VirtualMart in your site.
2.2.JA Slideshow module(mod_jaslideshow.zip)
[position: slideshow]JA Slideshow module allows to show your photos with the beautiful animation effects.
Moreover, for users looking to customize slideshow, this module gives you the flexibility of editing the javascript object settings, setting global options through the options page.
On demo, it looks like:
In Admin panel, please go to Modules Manager and click on module name (mod_jaslideshow) to go to configuration page.
Here is the setting of JA Slideshow on demo:
Parameters Explanation:
- Start status (play, pause): Set the start status of slide show is play or pause.
- Slide Width : Width of Slideshow [px(s)]
- Slide Height : Height of Slideshow [px(s)]
- Images Folder URL : URL to folder contain images in slide show. For example: images/stories/food/ then photos in the food directory will show.
- Alt Images : Alt images will be displayed when the image not found
- Order by (1: Time; 0: File name): The order of the image
- Sort Order (zero:Random; 1:Ascending; 2: Descending ): The sort order of the image
- Set image array display : You can choose an array of images that you want to display only. Separated by comma. Ex: bread.jpg, bun.jpg, coffee.jpg
- Start image : Specific image’s name to start slide show.
- Auto resize image (0:No; 1:Yes): You can set auto resize the images with a size define. Note: This option is best with Face animation
- Display time : Display time of image on slide show. . Default value is 5.
- Transition Duration : Time of animation on slide show . Default value is 2.
- Animation Type (fade: Fading; zoom:Zooming; pan: Panning; combo:Combo – Ken Burns Effect; push:Pushing; wipe: Wiping): Animation effect that you want to display
- Percent of animation : This option used with Panning or Combo animation. You can set value from 0% – 100%. Default value is 10.
- Percent zoom effect : This option used with zoom effect only. You can set value from 0% – 100%. Default value is 10.
- Effect (Linear;Medium to Slow;Fast to Slow; …): Animation effects. Used with Wipe/Push animation only.
- Navigation type : Choose your navigation type as you want
- Show description : Display description for images.
2.3.JA Vmproductslide module(mod_ja_vmproductslide.zip)
[position: vm-lp]JA VM Product Slider allow to slide show product according to category with light effect.
Moreover, for users who want to customize slideshow, this module gives the flexibility of editing the javascript object settings, setting global options through the options page.
On demo, it looks like:
Please go to Modules Manager and click on module name (JA Vmproductslide)to go to configuration page.
Here is the setting of JA VmProductSlide on demo:
Below is parameter explanation:
- Height of div: Height of the div will display.
- Width of div : Width of the div will display
- Type of product display : Type of product display
- Category : Display content of these categories only. separate by comma ‘,’
- Number Element : Number of element will display
- Mode display (horizontal, vertical): Defines mode of the product will display.
- Show Product Price : Defines whether the product price is displayed or not.
- Show Add to cart : Defines whether the Add to cart is displayed or not.
- Auto run slide : Defines auto run slide is auto or not.
- Direction : Defines direction of slide.
- Use zip Javascript : Defines Use zip Javascrip or not
- Rolling delay time : Time between two articles, in seconds
- Animation time : Time of an animation, in mili-seconds
2.4.JA News module(mod_janews.zip)
[position: ja-news]JA News module support you to configure news display with full of features that support you to display news as you wish.
On demo, it looks like:
In Admin panel, go to Modules Manager and click on JA News name to go to configuration page.
You can select what will be displayed in JA News block. Below is parameter explanation
- Module Class Suffix: A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable), this allows individual module styling.
- Hidden Classes: Classes that have property such display: none. Separated by |
- Article Order: Order by date or by ordering
- Group by Category or Section: Group by Category or Section. Section recommended
- Alt Images : Alt images display when the images not found
- Category (Section) ID: Selects items from a specific Category (Section) or set of Categories (Sections), line by line. In each line, put ID and color theme, seperated by a : (Example of settings in Demo site: 13:red 14:orange 8:deepblue 12:cyan 5:green 9: pink 11:lime)
- Show Category (Section) title: Show Category (Section) title
- Intro Items: Number of intro items.
- Link Items: Number of link items.
- Show image: Show/Hide image
- Image Align: Set align of images.
- Auto resize: Auto resize image?
- Show front page article:Show front page article
- Image Width: Fixed width of the image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave the image’s default size)
- Image Height: Fixed height of the image in pixel (set to -1 if you want to leave the image’s default size)
- Columns: How many columns per row (Set to zero if you want to disable other news items).
- Show Readmore: Show/Hide Readmore button on category news
III. TYPOGRAPHYJA Mesolite came with a rich typography to give users more ability to customize content look and feel. Please check all JA Mesolite typography here at JA Mesolite Typography
Q: How can I create module position in Joomla! ?
A: Please follow this guide to create module positions.
Q: How can I make a custom HTML module?
A: In Module Manager, Click on New button. Then select Custom HTML, and click Next. Fill your HTML code to Custom Output textarea and click Save. You will have a new Custom Module as you expected.Q: Why I need to do many things to make template work? Why don’t you just provide template only?
A: JoomlArt template is More than just a Template. When you download template package from JoomlArt, you will have all extensions included. The template simply will not be perfect without a hand of extensions. It will not only make your site more attractive but also provide users more features and ability to explore your site easier.August 2, 2008 at 6:08 am #263516Hello,
I have no slideshow module position and the link to the guide/tutorial does not open a page. Could you update the link please? I have joomla 1.5 and can see no where to add new module positions.
Thank you
MaryAugust 3, 2008 at 1:14 am #263576here is the link which explains how to add a module position in 1.5
Phuong Nguyen Thi Friend
Phuong Nguyen Thi
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August 5, 2008 at 2:01 am #263816Hi Marry, I have checked the link to how to create new module position guide, and it works well, please check again!
And the link is: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/how-to-create-a-new-module-position/
KaemikhaRungrojvisai Friend
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August 12, 2008 at 4:12 am #264994try to find thk.
December 14, 2008 at 9:35 pm #282906I unzipped the file vm_theme_mesolite_j15.zip, and uploaded the new unzipped folder (“tpl_ja_mesolite_j15”) into the vm themes directory (“componentscom_virtuemartthemes”) so that it’s right next to the “default” directory, but it’s not showing as an option in the VM site styles.
Am I doing something wrong? How do I install this theme?
January 3, 2009 at 7:01 pm #284632I’m having the same problem that wirecreative experienced. Can anyone help us? Please…
January 8, 2009 at 7:17 am #285334I understand the module positions, but my problem comes from trying to understand what is used
at module positions user 1, user 2, and user 5, what is module type is used on the demo?
February 2, 2009 at 6:50 pm #289246Is there an easy way to change the default alignment of the menu entries in the top menu (in div #ja-mainnav and ul #ja-cssmenu) so that they build from the right of the menu instead of the left? This would be helpful for both this and the ja-zeolite templates, as we use the top menu for site meta information (search, site map, etc.) and would like to right align these elements.
pinkfloyd Friend
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May 27, 2009 at 10:11 am #305941I have looked in the userguide and can’t see the module suffixes for this template.
Can anyone help?
hard2get Friend
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July 2, 2009 at 9:54 am #309760could u plz advise about having the theme as RTL theme .
to support right to left sites
thanks in advanced
hard2get Friend
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July 4, 2009 at 12:30 pm #309972still awating a reply
This topic contains 14 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by jldesign 14 years, 5 months ago.
We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum