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  • wilkser Friend


    we buy the template JA_MITIUS louse produce an assembly site.
    But we face many problems with this template.
    To save the items, we have a message that indicates that the connection was reset and lose all the text of the treated article. we did the tests on multiple machines with different versions of Apache on wamp, Xamp, Lamp.

    Currently we believe that the error is in the template. We downloaded several times but it’s always the same problem.

    We manage a lot of website it is only with this template that we have these worries.

    pavit Moderator


    How did you installed it ? quickstart version ? or you installed only template ? also since articles are edited from backend then this could be a Joomla issue and not a template issue

    You create articles and after you choose which template assign it to render article created on front end.

    try to uninstall Ja Mitius template and use protostar template then see what’s happens

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