Hi, and yes, thanks, ive been looking at Seleni since it came out, but Morganite is just perfect in so many ways for my taste. Its all in the details. I dont really like JA Seleni home page at all, although i can see some of the similarities in .css. Seleni is almost but not quite there to my eyes, and Morganites home page is beautiful. There is a JM Seleni after all and theres quite a few recent duplicate templates, it would be a pity that this particular tempalte were skipped.
<em>@tonyg 175420 wrote:</em><blockquote>Take another look at JA Seleni it’s pretty much the same as Morganite with subtle deferences as far as I’m concern. :http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#templates.joomlart.com/ja_seleni</blockquote>