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  • heppone Friend

    Hi there,

    i guess i found an issue on the template, please see attached screenshots:

    showing 19th september

    showing 25th september

    Is there any problem in my configuration or is it a bug?

    Best Regards

    1. issue1
    2. issue2
    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi heppone,

    In event page, it filters and shows date of “Start Publishing”.

    If you want change it, pls open “templates/ja_muzic/html/com_content/category/event.php”, find code :

    $itemcreated = JHtml::_('date', $item->publish_up, $this->params->get('group_by'));

    and change :




    as date modified


    as date created.


    Css Magician Friend

    Dear heppone,

    Thank you for contacting Joomlart,

    From your reporting, I see the problem when the description is short. I fixed in our template.
    You can put below css to templates/ja_muzic/css/template.css for fixing it.

    .view-category.ja-muzic-events .items-row.left > .span12,
    .view-category.ja-muzic-events .items-row.right > .span12 {
    float: none;

    Thank you

    heppone Friend

    Thx for your reply.

    I changed
    $itemcreated = JHtml::_(‘date’, $item->publish_up, $this->params->get(‘group_by’));

    $itemcreated = JHtml::_(‘date’, $item->created, $this->params->get(‘group_by’));

    but nothing has changed. It still shows puplished date and not create-date

    Also modified doesnt work, it still shows puplished date. Do i have to change anything else?

    heppone Friend

    I found the issue myself:

    In file event_item.php i replaced puplish_up to created:

    <?php if ($params->get(‘show_create_date’)) : ?>

    if($event_category == $this->item->catid){ ?>
    <div class=”created-date”>
    <span class=”day”><?php echo JHtml::_(‘date’, $this->item->created, JText::_(‘TPL_DATE_FORMAT_DAY’));?></span>
    <span class=”month”><?php echo JHtml::_(‘date’, $this->item->created, JText::_(‘TPL_DATE_FORMAT_MONTH’));?></span>
    <?php }else{ ?>
    <dd class=”create”>
    <?php echo JText::sprintf(‘COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON’, ‘<span>’.JHtml::_(‘date’, $this->item->created, JText::_(‘DATE_FORMAT_LC3′)).'</span>’); ?>
    <?php }?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi heppone,

    It seems to be a bug of this template.

    Try to open file “templates/ja_muzic/html/com_content/category/event.php”

    Find :

    $itemcreated = JHtml::_('date', $item->publish_up, $this->params->get('group_by'));

    then change to

    $orderdate = $this->params->get('order_date');
    $itemcreated = JHtml::_('date', $item->$orderdate, $this->params->get('group_by'));


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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