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  • geekyartist Friend

    Nice Template and I love the xmas theme! 🙂

    Will this template support JA News FP and JA News? What module position would I use or do I have hack the CSS?

    Figured it out! Same process for Kyanite II template. I made a change to the default.php in the layout section as follows… by adding content-top and content-bot positions.

    defined( ‘_JEXEC’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );
    $this->_basewidth = 24;
    $positions = array (
    ‘left1’ =>”,
    ‘left2’ =>”,
    ‘left-mass-top’ =>”,
    ‘left-mass-bottom’ =>”,
    ‘right1′ =>’left’,
    ‘right2′ =>’right’,
    ‘right-mass-top’ =>’mass-top’,
    ‘right-mass-bottom’ =>”,
    ‘content-mass-top’ =>”,
    ‘content-mass-bottom’ =>”,
    ‘content-top’ =>’content-top’,
    ‘content-bottom’ =>’content-bot’,
    ‘inset1’ =>”,
    ‘inset2’ =>”
    //$this->customwidth(‘right1’, 25); <== override right1 column width to 25%. Must call before call definePosition. Can call many time to override many columns.
    $this->definePosition ($positions);

Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  geekyartist 14 years, 9 months ago.

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