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  • robchocolate Friend

    The section links in JA NEWS2 do not work. For example, my main page has 3 sections: Entertainment, This week in Panama, and World. If you click on the “This week in Panama” section header, you will go to: http://www.newsroompanama.com/the-traveling-detective/15-panama which is not a valid page on the site. Same for the other sections, you get a 404 not found. How to I change these links to go the valid section URL? “This week in Panama” section should go to http://www.newsroompanama.com/panama, just like the top menu header does.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi robchocolate

    I have checked and saw that it is a problem of ja news2.

    I reported this issue to our developer for checking.

    Please kindly check your forum for this update.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi robchocolate

    we fixed and update for downloading.

    To fix this issue, please open modulesmod_janews2tmplblog.php file, at about line 45, find following code:

    $slink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getSectionRoute($slug));

    and change to:

    $slink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getSectionRoute($sid));

    hariorama Friend

    very good 🙂

    now thing’s are working

    lovebenidorm Friend

    Can someone tell me how to show 2 categories not the default 3, my users will not know that I have 6 or 9 within a section. I have made sure I have either 3,6,9 sections so it would make sense to show 3,6, or 9.


    you can see under accommodation on lovebenidorm.com

    robchocolate Friend

    Actually, we’re still having a problem. Before your suggestion, the links would be broken (get 404 error). Now the links go to the incorrect location. For example, if you are in the JA News2 section of the website and click on ‘This Week in Panama’ it goes to http://newsroompanama.com/the-traveling-detective rather than http://newsroompanama.com/panama. Could you please let us know when this issue is resolved?
    Thanks again.

    ergohost Friend

    I just updated to 1.3 earlier today, I had the 404 for section links in JA News 2 in 1.2 and its still happening for me in 1.3 as well. Oh and you might want to change the template version number in the template details xml file, the 1.3 file still contains the number 1.2

    sushismb Friend
    perdu Friend

    Do you already have section blog category menu link for each of the sections?

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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