September 16, 2008 at 10:07 am #133401
I have a site using the Ja-Senecio template which includes the Ja-News module on the frontpage. I’ve run in to a problem once in a while with it where I the contents I want to appear shows up UNDER the Ja-News module?
Latest the problem occur when wanting to open the cart from mod_virtuemart_cart. The cart opens up UNDER the Ja-New module and users have to scroll down constantly when working within the cart.
So my question is – how do I get the Ja-News module to dissapear when opening the cart?
Hilary Cheyne FriendHilary Cheyne
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September 16, 2008 at 11:58 am #270820Go to the ja-news module and uncheck the items eg virtuemart where you don’t want it to display
Menalto FriendMenalto
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September 16, 2008 at 12:27 pm #270825if problems please post a screenshot of the setup of the ja-news module you have.
And joomla version and template version.September 16, 2008 at 1:07 pm #270835The module is only set to display on the frontpage – so perhaps the mod_virtuemart_cart is refering incorrectly?
Ja News – 1.2 BETA
Joomla – 1.0.15 Stable [ Daytime ]
Virtuemart – 1.1.2Parameters
Module Clas Suffix:
Add Module CSS: yes
Add CSS to Header: yes
Show headline: show
Headline: show
Headline Text: Proffshoppen informere:
Number of headline news: 10
Show readmore: hide
Headline Fixed Hight: 265
Auto Roll: yes
Roling delay time: 8
Enable Iconv: yes
Group by category or section: category
Category (Section) ID: 52, 44, 37, 38, 48, 39
Show category (section) title: show
Get title link from menu: yes
Category (section) link type: Blog category
Link items: 1
Max Chars: 150
Image width: 244
Image height: 53
Columns: 2
Numbercontent: 10
Show intro: Show
Show Image: show
Show readmore: showMenalto FriendMenalto
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September 16, 2008 at 1:46 pm #270842Can you give one of us super admin access to your site? or paste your index.php file here…..
September 16, 2008 at 3:51 pm #270857Here’s the index.php – hope it can be of any help…
* @version $Id: index.php 10041 2008-02-15 21:48:13Z eddieajau $
* @package Joomla
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
*/// Set flag that this is a parent file
define( ‘_VALID_MOS’, 1 );// checks for configuration file, if none found loads installation page
if (!file_exists( ‘configuration.php’ ) || filesize( ‘configuration.php’ ) < 10) {
$self = rtrim( dirname( $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] ), ‘/\’ ) . ‘/’;
header(“Location: http://” . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . $self . “installation/index.php” );
}require( ‘globals.php’ );
require( ‘configuration.php’ );// SSL check – $http_host returns <live site url>:<port number if it is 443>
$http_host = explode(‘:’, $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] );
if( (!empty( $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] ) != ‘off’ || isset( $http_host[1] ) && $http_host[1] == 443) && substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, 8 ) != ‘https://’ ) {
$mosConfig_live_site = ‘https://’.substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 7 );
}require_once( ‘includes/joomla.php’ );
//Installation sub folder check, removed for work with SVN
if (file_exists( ‘installation/index.php’ ) && $_VERSION->SVN == 0) {
define( ‘_INSTALL_CHECK’, 1 );
include ( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/offline.php’);
}// displays offline/maintanance page or bar
if ($mosConfig_offline == 1) {
require( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/offline.php’ );
}// load system bot group
$_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup( ‘system’ );// trigger the onStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( ‘onStart’ );if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/components/com_sef/sef.php’ )) {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/components/com_sef/sef.php’ );
} else {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/includes/sef.php’ );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/includes/frontend.php’ );// retrieve some expected url (or form) arguments
$option = strval( strtolower( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, ‘option’ ) ) );
$Itemid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, ‘Itemid’, null ) );if ($option == ”) {
if ($Itemid) {
$query = “SELECT id, link”
. “n FROM #__menu”
. “n WHERE menutype = ‘mainmenu'”
. “n AND id = ” . (int) $Itemid
. “n AND published = 1”
$database->setQuery( $query );
} else {
$query = “SELECT id, link”
. “n FROM #__menu”
. “n WHERE menutype = ‘mainmenu'”
. “n AND published = 1”
. “n ORDER BY parent, ordering”
$database->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$menu = new mosMenu( $database );
if ($database->loadObject( $menu )) {
$Itemid = $menu->id;
$link = $menu->link;
if (($pos = strpos( $link, ‘?’ )) !== false) {
$link = substr( $link, $pos+1 ). ‘&Itemid=’.$Itemid;
parse_str( $link, $temp );
/** this is a patch, need to rework when globals are handled better */
foreach ($temp as $k=>$v) {
$GLOBALS[$k] = $v;
$_REQUEST[$k] = $v;
if ($k == ‘option’) {
$option = $v;
if ( !$Itemid ) {
// when no Itemid give a default value
$Itemid = 99999999;
}// mainframe is an API workhorse, lots of ‘core’ interaction routines
$mainframe = new mosMainFrame( $database, $option, ‘.’ );
$mainframe->initSession();// trigger the onAfterStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( ‘onAfterStart’ );// checking if we can find the Itemid thru the content
if ( $option == ‘com_content’ && $Itemid === 0 ) {
$id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, ‘id’, 0 ) );
$Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $id );
}/** do we have a valid Itemid yet?? */
if ( $Itemid === 0 ) {
/** Nope, just use the homepage then. */
$query = “SELECT id”
. “n FROM #__menu”
. “n WHERE menutype = ‘mainmenu'”
. “n AND published = 1”
. “n ORDER BY parent, ordering”
$database->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$Itemid = $database->loadResult();
}// patch to lessen the impact on templates
if ($option == ‘search’) {
$option = ‘com_search’;
}// loads english language file by default
if ($mosConfig_lang==”) {
$mosConfig_lang = ‘english’;
include_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/language/’ . $mosConfig_lang . ‘.php’ );// frontend login & logout controls
$return = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, ‘return’, NULL ) );
$message = intval( mosGetParam( $_POST, ‘message’, 0 ) );// Get the information about the current user from the sessions table
$my = $mainframe->getUser();if ($option == ‘login’) {
$mainframe->login();// JS Popup message
if ( $message ) {
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
alert( “<?php echo addslashes( _LOGIN_SUCCESS ); ?>” );
}if ( $return && !( strpos( $return, ‘com_registration’ ) || strpos( $return, ‘com_login’ ) ) ) {
// checks for the presence of a return url
// and ensures that this url is not the registration or login pages
// If a sessioncookie exists, redirect to the given page. Otherwise, take an extra round for a cookiecheck
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .’/index.php?option=cookiecheck&return=’ . urlencode( $return ) );
} else {
// If a sessioncookie exists, redirect to the start page. Otherwise, take an extra round for a cookiecheck
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .’/index.php’ );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site .’/index.php?option=cookiecheck&return=’ . urlencode( $mosConfig_live_site .’/index.php’ ) );
}} else if ($option == ‘logout’) {
$mainframe->logout();// JS Popup message
if ( $message ) {
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
alert( “<?php echo addslashes( _LOGOUT_SUCCESS ); ?>” );
}if ( $return && !( strpos( $return, ‘com_registration’ ) || strpos( $return, ‘com_login’ ) ) ) {
// checks for the presence of a return url
// and ensures that this url is not the registration or logout pages
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosRedirect( $mosConfig_live_site.’/index.php’ );
} else if ($option == ‘cookiecheck’) {
// No cookie was set upon login. If it is set now, redirect to the given page. Otherwise, show error message.
if (isset( $_COOKIE[mosMainFrame::sessionCookieName()] )) {
mosRedirect( $return );
} else {
mosErrorAlert( _ALERT_ENABLED );
}// detect first visit
$mainframe->detect();// set for overlib check
$mainframe->set( ‘loadOverlib’, false );$gid = intval( $my->gid );
// gets template for page
$cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();
/** temp fix – this feature is currently disabled *//** @global A places to store information from processing of the component */
$_MOS_OPTION = array();// precapture the output of the component
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . ‘/editor/editor.php’ );ob_start();
if ($path = $mainframe->getPath( ‘front’ )) {
$task = strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, ‘task’, ” ) );
$ret = mosMenuCheck( $Itemid, $option, $task, $gid );if ($ret) {
require_once( $path );
} else {
} else {
header( ‘HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found’ );
echo _NOT_EXIST;
}$_MOS_OPTION[‘buffer’] = ob_get_contents();
header( ‘Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT’ );
header( ‘Last-Modified: ‘ . gmdate( ‘D, d M Y H:i:s’ ) . ‘ GMT’ );
header( ‘Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate’ );
header( ‘Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0’, false );
header( ‘Pragma: no-cache’ );// display the offline alert if an admin is logged in
if (defined( ‘_ADMIN_OFFLINE’ )) {
include( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/offlinebar.php’ );
}// loads template file
if ( !file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/templates/’. $cur_template .’/index.php’ ) ) {
echo _TEMPLATE_WARN . $cur_template;
} else {
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .’/templates/’. $cur_template .’/index.php’ );
echo ‘<!– ‘. time() .’ –>’;
}// displays queries performed for page
if ($mosConfig_debug) {
echo $database->_ticker . ‘ queries executed’;
echo ‘<pre>’;
foreach ($database->_log as $k=>$sql) {
echo $k+1 . “n” . $sql . ‘<hr />’;
echo ‘</pre>’;
?>Menalto FriendMenalto
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September 16, 2008 at 7:35 pm #270878didnt help much, it should be the one from the template, not joomla
Hilary Cheyne FriendHilary Cheyne
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September 16, 2008 at 7:47 pm #270881Phew! glad you said that Menalto. JA-Senecio isn’t a virtuemart template is it? Also it doesn’t natively have JA-News does it? So what module positions are you using? It can be almost impossible to help without having access to the code and/or a live site or at least screenshots.
I do have a site with 1.0.15 and Virtuemart so might be able to help but without more info it’s difficult…
September 17, 2008 at 5:11 am #270963Hey Hits & Menalto
Hm… You are absolutely right, it’s not the JA-Senecio template – this just came to my attention. But when I wanted to check the name of the template in order to try out for any assistance here in the forum, I just went to the template manager in joomla – here it’s listed as JA-Senecio. But via FTP I can se that it’s actually the JA-Larix template? Sorry about that… (perhaps you can move this thread to the right forum?)
Here’s the site I’m working on:
The template’s index.php:
# JA Larix 1.0 – August, 2007
# ————————————————————————
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# @license – Copyrighted Commercial Software
# Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
# Websites: http://www.joomlart.com – http://www.joomlancers.com
defined( ‘_VALID_MOS’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );
$iso = split( ‘=’, _ISO );
/*echo “<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”‘. $iso[1] .'”?’ .’>”;*/
global $ja_header_images, $ja_width_default, $ja_color_default, $ja_font_size_default, $ja_tool, $ja_menutype, $ja_template_path, $ja_template_absolute_path, $ja_headerimg, $ja_color, $ja_width, $ja_font_size, $ja_template_name;
global $jaMainmenuLastItemActive;
$jaMainmenuLastItemActive = false;
$ja_template_name = ‘ja_larix’;
#support extra color themes
$ja_color_themes = array(); // You can add more color array if needed
# Change the width of the template
$ja_width_default = ‘wide’; // ‘narrow’: 800×600; ‘wide’: 1024×768
# default color
$ja_color_default = ‘default’; //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes
#font size default
$ja_font_size_default = 3;
# Enable users option
$ja_tool = 6; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;
# Choose your prefer Menu Type
$ja_menutype = 1; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Transmenu; 4: Moomenu
# Define the template path ##########
$ja_template_path = $mosConfig_live_site.’/templates/’.$ja_template_name;
$ja_template_absolute_path = $mosConfig_absolute_path.’/templates/’.$ja_template_name;
include ($ja_template_absolute_path.”/ja_templatetools.php”);
$topnav = “”;
$subnav = “”;
if ($ja_menutype == 1) {
$subnav = $jasplmenu->hasSubMenu (1);
# Auto Collapse Divs Functions ##########
$ja_left = mosCountModules(‘left’) || ($ja_menutype == 1 && $jasplmenu->hasSubMenu (2));
$ja_right = mosCountModules(‘right’);
if ( $ja_left && $ja_right ) {
$divid = ”;
} elseif ( $ja_left ) {
$divid = ‘-fr’;
} elseif ( $ja_right ) {
$divid = ‘-fl’;
} else {
$divid = ‘-f’;
$supported_browsers = !isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]) ||
!preg_match($msie,$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]) ||
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
<html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”>
<?php mosShowHead(); ?>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>” />
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Style-Type” content=”text/css” />
<link href=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/template_css.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
<link href=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/ja-vm.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
<link href=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/ja-news.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $ja_template_path; ?>/scripts/mootools.v1.1.js”></script>
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/ja.script.js”></script>
<?php genMenuHead(); ?>
<?php if ( $my->id ) { initEditor(); } ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
.clearfix {height: 1%;}
<style type=”text/css”>
.clearfix {display: inline-block;}
<link href=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/css/colors/<?php echo $ja_color; ?>.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
/// Hack for Virtuemart shop browse///
global $option, $category_id, $page;
if ($option == ‘com_virtuemart’){
$cols = 0;
if (!empty($category_id)) {
$cols = 2;
$sql = “select products_per_row from #__vm_category where category_id=$category_id”;
$cols = $database->loadResult();
if (!$cols) $cols = PRODUCTS_PER_ROW;
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
function initAdjustVM () {
adjustVMCatList (‘ja-productwrap’, <?php echo $cols; ?>);
jaAddEvent (window, ‘load’, initAdjustVM);
/// End Hack for Virtuemart shop browse///
<body id=”bd” class=”<?php echo “$ja_width fs”.$ja_font_size;?>”>
<a name=”Top” id=”Top”></a>
<ul class=”accessibility”>
<li><a href=”<?php echo getCurrentURL();?>#ja-content” title=”Skip to content”>Skip to content</a></li>
<li><a href=”<?php echo getCurrentURL();?>#ja-mainnav” title=”Skip to main navigation”>Skip to main navigation</a></li>
<li><a href=”<?php echo getCurrentURL();?>#ja-col1″ title=”Skip to 1st column”>Skip to 1st column</a></li>
<li><a href=”<?php echo getCurrentURL();?>#ja-col2″ title=”Skip to 2nd column”>Skip to 2nd column</a></li>
<div id=”ja-wrapper1″>
<div id=”ja-wrapper2″>
<div id=”ja-wrapper3″ class=”clearfix”>
<div id=”ja-headerwrap” class=”clearfix”>
<div id=”ja-header”>
<h1 class=”logo”><a href=”index.php”><?php echo $mosConfig_sitename?></a></h1>
<?php if (mosCountModules(‘your-cart’) ) { ?>
<div id=”ja-vm-cart”>
<?php mosLoadModules(‘your-cart’, -2); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!– END: HEADER –>
<div id=”ja-mainnavwrap”>
<div id=”ja-mainnav” class=”clearfix”>
switch ($ja_menutype) {
case 1:
$jasplmenu->genMenu (0);
case 2:
case 4:
case 3:
echo “<div class=”transmenu-inner”>”;
echo “</div>”;
<?php if( mosCountModules(‘slider’) ) {?>
<div id=”ja-sliderwrap” class=”clearfix”>
<?php mosLoadModules(‘slider’, -1); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id=”ja-pathwaywrap” class=”clearfix”>
<?php if (mosCountModules(‘user4’)) { ?>
<div id=”ja-searchwrap”>
<div id=”ja-search”>
<?php mosLoadModules(‘user4’, -1); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id=”ja-pathway”>
<strong>></strong> <?php mosPathway(); ?>
<?php if ($ja_tool) { ?>
<div id=”ja-usertools”>
<?php genToolMenu($ja_tool & 3); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id=”ja-containerwrap<?php echo $divid; ?>”>
<div id=”ja-container” class=”clearfix”>
<div id=”ja-mainbody<?php echo $divid; ?>”>
<div id=”ja-mainbody-inner” class=”clearfix”>
<div id=”ja-contentwrap”>
<div id=”ja-content”>
<?php if ( mosCountModules(‘vm-fp’) ) { ?>
<div id=”ja-feature”>
<div id=”ja-feature-products”>
<?php mosLoadModules(‘vm-fp’, -1); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( mosCountModules(‘ja-news’) ) { ?>
<div id=”ja-newswrap” class=”clearfix”>
<?php mosLoadModules ( ‘ja-news’, -2 ); ?>
<?php } ?>
global $mainframe, $option;
$m_menu = $mainframe->get( ‘menu’ );
$m_params = new mosParameters( $m_menu->params );
$m_intro = $m_params->def( ‘intro’, 4 );
$m_leading = $m_params->def( ‘leading’, 1 );
if ( $option != ‘com_frontpage’ || $m_intro || $m_leading) {
<?php mosMainBody(); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( mosCountModules(‘banner’) ) { ?>
<div id=”ja-banner” class=”clearfix”>
<?php echo mosLoadModules ( ‘banner’,-1 ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($ja_right) { ?>
<div id=”ja-col2″>
<div class=”ja-innerpad”>
<?php echo mosLoadModules ( ‘right’,-3 );?>
</div><br />
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($ja_left) { ?>
<div id=”ja-col1″>
<div class=”ja-innerpad”>
<?php if ($ja_menutype == 1 && $jasplmenu->hasSubMenu (1)) {
echo ‘<div id=”ja-subnavcol” class=”moduletable”>’;
echo ‘<h3>’.$jasplmenu->getParentText (1).’ Menu</h3>’;
$jasplmenu->genMenu (1);
echo ‘</div>’;
} ?>
<?php echo mosLoadModules ( ‘left’,-2 ); ?>
</div><br />
<?php } ?>
<div id=”ja-footerwrap”>
<span class=”spacer”> </span>
<div id=”ja-footer”>
<?php if ($ja_tool) { ?>
<div id=”ja-usercolors” class=”clearfix”>
<?php genToolMenu($ja_tool & 4); ?>
<ul style=”margin: 0 0 0 10px;”>
<li><a style=”background: none; text-decoration: none;” href=”<?php echo getCurrentURL();?>#Top” title=”Go to top”><img src=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/top.gif” title=”Goto top” alt=”Go to top” /></a></li>
</div><div class=”clr”></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php mosLoadModules(‘user3’, -1); ?>
<?php include_once( $ja_template_absolute_path.’/footer.php’ ); ?>
<!– END: FOOTER –>
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/vm_stuff.js”></script>
<?php mosLoadModules( ‘debug’, -1 );?>
September 17, 2008 at 5:19 am #270965Btw – the shop is only visible as a catalogue so you won’t be able to see the problem at the site. But here’s a screenshot of the cart showing up under the news module:
Menalto FriendMenalto
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September 17, 2008 at 6:13 am #270968First of al, can you go to global configuration and there you should have a checkbox/button for compatibility mode for older joomla versions, can you try to check that one first? If it wont work or you dont have that let us know and we can assist you further.
September 17, 2008 at 1:35 pm #271034There is one under “Content” in “Global configuration” = “Itemid Compatibility Mode:” which I have now tried to change but it gave me no visible changes…
Hilary Cheyne FriendHilary Cheyne
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September 17, 2008 at 3:09 pm #271043Helo Vokaldesign
Did you check out the Larix forum – there seem to be many bugs. I was confused when you said the cart was under ja-news – I thought you meant underneath and not below – a different problem altogether! Menalto is active in the Larix form and I am sure he will help you better than me.
Good Luck
HilsSeptember 17, 2008 at 7:34 pm #271060I’ve have been looking around in that forum – but no answers which brings me to the goal yet though…
Thanks for you time…
I’ll start this thread up in the other forum…
This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by vokaldesign 16 years, 3 months ago.
We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum