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  • tienhuynh_99 Friend

    I installed using jatc_nex_j25 quickstart. I created two categories and two items in K2. Each item belongs to each category. In JA News Featured module, I selected K2 in Content Source. That was all I did, nothing else.

    Frontpage shows images below position sl1-1, instead of in sl1-1. This is suppose to be working out of the box, but it’s not!!

    Please take a look at http://xoigac.com

    Any idea to fix it is appreciated.

    Thank you

    pavit Moderator


    The Ja_Nex template use a page override for the home – the profile is called homepage and has the Hide main content block to YES

    check in your template manager — ja_nex-default

    Could you please send me an admin account for your back end so i can check better the configuration ?


    tienhuynh_99 Friend

    Thank you for quick response. I tried what you’ve suggested but to no avail.

    Here’s the address http://xoigac.com

    username: admin
    password: 1234

    tienhuynh_99 Friend

    can anyone login and troubleshoot this?

    tienhuynh_99 Friend

    Can anyone help? Especially Joomlart technical staff. What’s so strange is that JA News Feartured works on SUB DOMAIN, not the root domain. Here’s how:

    My root domain http://xoigac.com
    my sub domain http://xoigac.com/k2

    database name: tien_database

    Both of these sites use the same database: tien_database

    JA News Feartured isn’t working on root domain http://xoigac.com, but it’s working on sub domain http://xoigac.com/k2

    You can login to both sites to see how this behaves.

    username: admin
    password: 1234

    pavit Moderator


    I will open an internal ticket for joomlart developers to let see them into your issue

    After i will have a reply from them i will post the solution here

    Please be patient


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi tienhuynh_99,

    Regarding the problem on your root domain, I think you can try as following
    Open the file of modulesmod_janews_featuredhelpersadapterhelper.php at about line number 265 you would see this code
    if ($bigmaxchar && strlen($row->introtext) > $bigmaxchar) {
    $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
    if (function_exists(‘mb_substr’)) {
    $row->bigintrotext = SmartTrim::mb_trim($row->introtext, 0, $bigmaxchar, $doc->_charset);
    } else {
    $row->bigintrotext = SmartTrim::trim($row->introtext, 0, $bigmaxchar);
    } elseif ($bigmaxchar == 0) {
    $row->bigintrotext = ”;

    change it to this
    $regex = “/<img[^>]*>/”;
    $row->introtext = preg_replace($regex, ”, $row->introtext);
    if ($bigmaxchar && strlen($row->introtext) > $bigmaxchar) {
    $doc = JDocument::getInstance();
    if (function_exists(‘mb_substr’)) {
    $row->bigintrotext = SmartTrim::mb_trim($row->introtext, 0, $bigmaxchar, $doc->_charset);
    } else {
    $row->bigintrotext = SmartTrim::trim($row->introtext, 0, $bigmaxchar);
    } elseif ($bigmaxchar == 0) {
    $row->bigintrotext = ”;

    Let me know if it still does not work !

    tienhuynh_99 Friend

    Thank you for the suggestion Dat, unfortunately it didn’t work.

    There is no helper.php under adapter folder but k2, modulesmod_janews_featuredhelpersadapterK2.php

    There is a code like that in K2, so I copied and pasted as suggested and all images disappeared. This code removed all images used to be under JA news featured.

    I leave it as it so you can see. http://xoigac.com show no images, while http://xoigac.com/k2 shows images. These sites access the same database.


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi tienhuynh,

    I am sorry for giving you wrong file name, it’s the k2.php file, have not ideal why this code does not work for you, you can revert the change made and then giving me your admin account, the FTP info into this ticket I will check it further for you.

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