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  • adrienne pitman Friend

    After upgrading Joomla to 3.5.1, the following error comes up when attempting to access the admin interface of the module.

    Table 'rtvn:televisionhispana_live.#__k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT m.* FROM #__k2_categories m WHERE trash = 0 AND m.published = '1' ORDER BY parent, ordering

    K2 is not installed on the site.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Adrienne,

    I just tried to install Joomla 3.5.1 + JA News Featured module version 2.6.1 but the backend settings works properly.

    Which version of this module are you using? You have K2 component installed already?

    P/s: I tried to log into backend of your site but it seems to require an authentication first before login

    adrienne pitman Friend

    As clearly stated in my post, K2 is not installed.
    However, the website was spawned from your quickstart package, which includes K2.
    K2 was subsequently eliminated, but for some strange reason JA News Featured is still looking for it.

    I’m adding pre-auth access credentials to the private bit of my first post.

    adrienne pitman Friend

    Actually, it appears that i don’t have access to the private area of the first post.
    How can i give you the credentials?

    Saguaros Moderator

    You should have.

    But you can send via your reply and set it as PRIVATE reply.

    adrienne pitman Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    Which version of JA News Featured module are you using? did you try with the latest version?

    adrienne pitman Friend

    I believe it is the version that came in the quickstart package.
    Where can I download the latest version (bear in mind that our subscription appears to cover template only).

    Saguaros Moderator

    I guess there is problem with database on your site, I tried going to Backend > Extensions > Manage > Database (left panel) > Click ‘Fix’ button but it kept pending: http://prntscr.com/bcurnz

    Could you try?

    adrienne pitman Friend

    Fixing the DB did not change the error message one bit.
    It’s clear to me that some setting in JA News Featured is expecting a K2 table to be present, as the error message itself makes clear.

    Saguaros Moderator

    That error is fixed in the latest version of module, you will need to fix the database to make it works but this function doesn’t work on your site now (check my screenshot above)

    adrienne pitman Friend

    As made clear in my previous message, I’ve already fixed the DB.

    Where can I download the new version of the module from?
    Has it been added to the template files?

    I feel at this point that we are going around in circles like headless chickens.

    adrienne pitman Friend

    Although I don’t need K2, I have reinstalled it just to get rid of the error message and access the admin interface.
    Now I can access the parameters, but none of the Save buttons is working.

    This is the page error console output:

    Finally, I have not found any version of the module newer than 2.6.1, which is the one I have already in place.

    Saguaros Moderator

    There seems to be a permission issue so the save button doesn’t work. Please check and make sure that all files/folders have right permission: file-644 and folder-755

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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