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  • cgc0202 Friend


    What I am proposing below has been done by someone else. Check out


    and some of the Sections Intro pages are show:


    I do not think the template used is JA Teline II, but shows what I am proposing here. Briefly:

    For each section:

    it should have:

    1. Section “Front Page” Module
    => selected articles from the different categories
    features default ordering :chronological with capability to order articles just like in the Front Page module.

    2. Section JA News Module

    => Different submodules for the various categories, then ordered as is done with the Sections in the Home Page.
    => Articles are then grouped and presented
    => default ordering :chronological with capability to order articles just like in the Front Page module.

    Technically, this should already be doable, by cloning the JA Front Page and JA News modules, and then renaming these clones to be specific for each section.

    This is a crude manual way of doing it.

    A good script would be able to do the same, without having to create all those clones. It might already be there. I just do not know how to do it.

    What I outlined above is not what you see in the Demo Sections Intro Page.

    I do hope one of the Moderators or anyone who knows scripting could provide a more concrete response that when executed will achieve the desired effect.

    What I tried to do, so far

    1.) As suggested in the outline above, I cloned the JA News, renamed them
    2.) In the revised clones, instead of Sections, the Categories were chosen
    3.) the JA News (original) was then specified to be appearing in the Main (homepage, instead of the default “ALL{)
    4.) the cloned JA News was assigned to be specific for a Section

    The above should work, based from my discussion in another thread with Valic (who did the ppage shown above); but my procedure did not work.

    Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.


    tlobito Friend

    Please, I need the same thing,. I am sure some others might need it too. We can contribute for someone to do this.
    please help.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@tlobito 63216 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please, I need the same thing,. I am sure some others might need it too. We can contribute for someone to do this.
    please help.</blockquote>

    Yes, indeed tlobito,

    I wrote to someone, he might be able to help. There is already another one who wants this too.


    tlobito Friend

    Thanks my man, fingers crossed.

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