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  • Saguaros Moderator

    I resolved the issue on IE by accessing the template configuration then enable the optimize css, you try checking this again

    luciffere Friend

    Can be added to this extension the “timerange” function? Like JA News Pro? It be very useful this function on newspaper website.

    Thank you.

    hieuvo Friend

    Hi Hung,

    I tried your manual steps to add ‘mod_janews_fp ‘ to ‘sl1-l‘ position. Everything works fine, the frontpage looks good. However, the problem is the articles are still displayed on the frontpage as they are in the standard Joomla frontpage. How to get rid of them? Please see attached screenshot.

    I tried to configure Home menu item (Front Page Blog Layout) to not display any article (leading=0, intro=0, etc.) then they’ve gone. But it doesn’t seem the right way to fix this issue. I am new to Joomla, please help.


    1. fp1
    thangnn1510 Friend

    Please try set leading = 1. There’s only one article will be shown on frontpage.

    hieuvo Friend

    Found that it can be turned off by setting ‘Hide Main content block‘ to Yes in the template/profile/global settings. Thanks anyway Thang.

    teutobahiano Friend
    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@teutobahiano 247735 wrote:</em><blockquote>INVALID TICKET(?)

    Seems that it is incorrect url

    Please give me the ticket ID for further check ?

    kniotech Friend

    download link plz for j1.5(not able to find it)

    teutobahiano Friend

    My fault! The thread was not mine! My problem is already solved.

    gregkazakov Friend

    Help! JA News Frontpage module is missing from webpage. It is enabled yet shows blank white when previewing it. I have spent hours comparing against the unedited original JA Teline IV template and I can’t see which changes I have made with mine to have lost it.

    Please help, thanks!

    1. teline_error
    teutobahiano Friend

    Hi gregkazakov,

    I know exactly how you feel as I already have seen this “film”. In my case the reasons for the problem you are having now were:

    1-No content (no articles in the configured category). Choosing all categories seems not to be a good solution. For test purpose choose one category only (with content!).
    2-Configuration FEATURED/UNFEATURED: For test purpose have a mix of featured and unfeatured articles.

    By the way: Are you using the quickstart package or are you installing Teline4 manually? In my case I tried the manual installation first but I gave up. Seems to be an impossible mission. My site is based now on the quickstart template.

    Hope this helps!

    kniotech Friend

    Thanks guys , with your help I was able to fix the problem, I was supposed to choose category and limit the auto play duration that’s all!
    yes teutobahiano I wa able to install quickstart to the website online, as you already know this template tellineIV has never ending pages:laugh:
    can anyone tell me how to translate the read more button for that module?

    gregkazakov Friend

    <em>@teutobahiano 254604 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi gregkazakov,

    I know exactly how you feel as I already have seen this “film”. In my case the reasons for the problem you are having now were:

    1-No content (no articles in the configured category). Choosing all categories seems not to be a good solution. For test purpose choose one category only (with content!).
    2-Configuration FEATURED/UNFEATURED: For test purpose have a mix of featured and unfeatured articles.

    By the way: Are you using the quickstart package or are you installing Teline4 manually? In my case I tried the manual installation first but I gave up. Seems to be an impossible mission. My site is based now on the quickstart template.

    Hope this helps!</blockquote>

    Thanks for replying!

    I am using the quickstart package with the sample data installed. I did try the manual install as well but realized it should be easier with the sample installed.

    I will try your suggestions – that sound like it should take care of it.

    Thanks, will let ya know how it goes!

    gregkazakov Friend

    Aha! I found out the problem! I have to turn off cache for the JA News Frontpage module to see changes made. I’ll put it back on when it goes live.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi all!

    We have fixed this bug:


    and release new version. Please download and update to get fixed.

    Thank you.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 50 total)

This topic contains 50 replies, has 32 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 11 years, 5 months ago.

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