Dear porpeller!
The ja news fp module ‘ll remove class inside the img, so that you must to make changes of php :
1) pls open the file modules/mod_janews_fp/helper.php and find codes:
if ($autoresize && function_exists ( ‘imagecreatetruecolor’ ) && ($image1 = modJANewsHelperFP::processImage ( $image, $width, $height ))) {
$image = “<img src=”” . $image1 . “” alt=”{$row->title}” $align />”;
} else {
$width = $width ? “width=”$width”” : “”;
$height = $height ? “height=”$height”” : “”;
$image = “<img src=”” . $image . “” alt=”{$row->title}” $width $height $align />”;
you replace:
if ($autoresize && function_exists ( ‘imagecreatetruecolor’ ) && ($image1 = modJANewsHelperFP::processImage ( $image, $width, $height ))) {
$image = “<img class=”caption” src=”” . $image1 . “” alt=”{$row->title}” $align />”;
} else {
$width = $width ? “width=”$width”” : “”;
$height = $height ? “height=”$height”” : “”;
$image = “<img class=”caption” src=”” . $image . “” alt=”{$row->title}” $width $height $align />”;
Good luck