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  • jamesnoronha Friend

    Hi there, I’ve asked this question already but haven’t really heard a reply to it yet.

    I’m a JATC subscriber, who approximately one month ago upgraded to Joomla 1.5 RC3 and the Ja-Collapsed module doesn’t work at all in Joomla 1.5 which is distressing because its supposed to work in legacy mode. I have a similar problem with the JA-News module… the JA-News module is confiugred correctly and shows all of the news categories assigned but does not show the “Featured News / Headline” rotating section above the news categories. I’ m wondering if there is a simple fix I can apply to make this two essential components work for me again

    Thanks for your help.


    Michael Casha Friend

    Can you provide us with a live site url. I’m guessing it’ll be a simple alteration with the css classes.

    chrispapa Friend

    For that matter, Im not sure I am in the know on how to use the module …


    lw_d Friend

    I too am trying to get the JA-News module working under Joomla RC 3 (legacy mode) but have had no joy, can one of the JA team confirm if it should work for Joomla RC 3 or not.


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lw_d 17 years, 1 month ago.

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