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  • palos Friend

    Is there any way to tell the module to grab images NOT from the K2 item description but use the given K2 item image self?
    …as many other modules – like JA News Featured, JA Accordion, etc – perfectly do the job!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi palosutca,

    How did you add image into K2 item? JA News Pro or JA News Featured module are getting K2 images in the same way, I did make a test with these 2 modules and they all take images from image tab of K2 item: http://prntscr.com/3u9cqd

    palos Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    – image in the K2 item description – looks perfect
    – additional image at K2 item image tab – does not find any of the two images
    – image ONLY at K2 item image tab – does not find the image
    All the stuff is up to date (joomla, joomlart, t3)

    I suspect some caching issue… but have no idea where to clear or make it stable :-[
    It calls e.g. this path but does not find the image:

    palos Friend

    Just found that the first part of the path is doubled >:(
    The requested URL /project/zskek//project/zskek/images/resized/media/k2/items/cache/fe392f78a62c6fc460cf8c2a182b395f_XL_210_120.jpg was not found on this server.

    So it is not a caching but a path issue!
    No glue…

    The right path would be:

    palos Friend

    Hey Saguaros!

    You know about this issue!:)

    Share the solution with me, please!

    palos Friend

    It is hard to believe that I am the only who use Images with this module.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please try my suggestion in this thread

    palos Friend

    Thank you Saguaros!

    It works! 🙂
    Should we believe that the next upgrade will contain this bugfix or should we do an override?
    If override would be the temporary-temporary 😉 solution then please give us a correct path for placing that k2.php

    Would be correct the next path?
    or just ../templates/ja_nex_t3/html/mod_janewspro/k2.php is enough?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Nope, you should update the file in the module: modulesmod_janewsprohelpersadapterk2.php, it’s not a template so that you can override in template folder.

    I’ve reported this to development team and they will update the fix in upcoming version of this module. And when new version is released, please use our JA Extension manager component (a free extension) to update, it will help you know which file of module will be changed/updated.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 10 years, 6 months ago.

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