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  • splico123 Friend

    I found a usefull thing that i think should be implemented in the JA News Pro Module.


    you have set up menus as following:

    ITEM (category blog)
    — SUBITEM (text seperator)
    — — CATEGORY (category blog)

    now if you want to show that in ja news pro module on front-page its nicely done all except one thing, the SUBITEM is linkable to a place that doesn’t exist, its leading to page that it should not be there, so i think there should be an option in backend saying LINKABLE (yes or no) and if you dont want people pressing that link but want link separating categories.
    Like in teline IV (sport, artist, travel etc) that to remain there but not as a link just as a title there.

    i think that is not that hard to implement i did it on my server but just thought to suggest this to developers to put in option for those things there… because sometimes we just want to give them name not to take them to place where nothing is there on the website because it is basically placeholder.

    what do you think?


    Khanh Le Moderator

    Hi splico,

    I think you are mentioning the links in menu, not the JA News Pro Module. In this case, menu item with separator type is generated with a blank (‘#’) link. However, this is a good suggestion and we will consider to implement in our menu system.

    Thank you,

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