Thanks for your replay…My site is http://www.beta.marketingoc.com/
What I am asking for is outside of the templates intended purpose I am sure, but I will ask anyway and hope that you can provide some help.
What I would like to do is:
A. Not have the title link to an article — just have it as a section header e.g. Corporate Video in the top left box in the body would not link to the section — just be a static header
B. The article title would be customizable e.g. Corporate Video To Reach Your Goals would not pull from the title in the article. The reason is, that title is also used for the Meta tag title, and I need those to be different from the article title.
So, ideally, each box would have:
A. Have a Static Title
B. Would pull the content from the top of the article it links to (above the read more line, which I know can be hidden in the actual article)
or if you can tell me how to reacreate the middle section just as straight HTML, that would work as well.
Hope this is clear — I really like the template, just want to get it just right for my needs.
Thanks for your support.