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  • sunrise Friend

    I have a bilingual site, running Joomla 1.5.7 and the latest joomfish. All is well, and the translating works fine. When I shange the language ( I am using English and Thai) it does change to Thai. But the next newsflash that scrolls in is in English while the rest of the site is still in Thai.

    Is there a way to have all the newsflashes continue in Thai once the language changes, and not go back to the original language once the scrolling starts again?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    I first posted this under Fagus as I am using the Fagus Template, but realized that it probably should go here instead

    Milja Ligtermoet Friend

    Hi I have the same problem, did you manage to solve it?

    sunrise Friend

    I’m still working on it. That is, I am working on the site. I had some other problems that took more time, so I have not really looked into that, but hopefully it should be worked out. When I have the solution, I’ll be sure to post it and let you know.

    If you find it first, let me know, OK?


    Milja Ligtermoet Friend

    Off course I will let you know. I hope we can figure this out or maybe someone else can help us.

    migors Friend

    Have you solved problem?

    nadgobxe Friend

    Any result yet?

    migors Friend

    It is not soved during all these years?

    migors Friend

    One member just helped me to find solution, it is not exactly ja newsflash but similar. may be some efekts are a little different. just dont use ajax but jQuery.
    <blockquote>Ultimate Content Display (UCD) Module available on http://www.joomlaworks.gr. It is free and the effect is quite similar to ja_newsflash module.</blockquote>

    hope it will help you 🙂

    sunrise Friend

    Thank you so much. Yes, I had not found a solution all this time and was going to use another module altogether, just pictures without text so that I would not have to worry about the translation. Now hopefully I can get it working properly.

    I had a quick look at it, and when I used Query, I have a white background, in stread of tranparent. Do you, or anyone else, have any idea why, or what to do?

    sunrise Friend

    I got it working fine, with transparent background as well. I had not written anything in “Unique ID (required for the faders only)”. I just put a number 1 there, and it worked fine. Thanks again for helping find the solutions to that problem.

    migors Friend

    <em>@sunrise 115602 wrote:</em><blockquote>I got it working fine, with transparent background as well. I had not written anything in “Unique ID (required for the faders only)”. I just put a number 1 there, and it worked fine. Thanks again for helping find the solutions to that problem.</blockquote>

    Good to hear. In color area ir written #fffff so before save clear it and than background is tranparent.

    But finaly I get answer from joomlart stuf. And in this post is solution to ja newsflash


    sunrise Friend

    <em>@migors 115613 wrote:</em><blockquote>Good to hear. In color area ir written #fffff so before save clear it and than background is tranparent.

    But finaly I get answer from joomlart stuf. And in this post is solution to ja newsflash

    Hi again migors,

    Thanks again for the help, and thanks also for sharing the link to the other post. Did you try that solution on Ja-newsflash. I’ll give it a try, at first on a local machine and see how it goes. I’ll let you know.

    Have a nice day

    migors Friend

    solution in link do not work for me. Fisrts the lines in my ja news php files does not fit us discribed

    sunrise Friend

    Thanks for letting me know. It’s getting late in this part of the world, so I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to try it out. I’ll get back to you with the results. I hope it works. I would like that better than this new module.

    klamox Friend

    <em>@migors 115613 wrote:</em><blockquote>Good to hear. In color area ir written #fffff so before save clear it and than background is tranparent.

    But finaly I get answer from joomlart stuf. And in this post is solution to ja newsflash


    The link that contains the solution can only be reached when you pay.
    However, this template is free so the solution for the problem in this template should also be free.

    Could you please post the solution to this forum also so that we can correct the problem.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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