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  • chanton Friend

    when try to run ja-newsflash, it crashed my site showing this error:

    then my site is down with this error from my hosting provider:
    This Account Has Exceeded Its CPU Quota

    It seems that ja-newsflash created something strange.

    pls help

    Menalto Friend

    Do you have any other extensions installed?

    chanton Friend

    I have a lot of extentions installed, but I am sure Ja-newsflash is the one causing the problem because once I removed it, everything is fine again.

    CPU Exceeded Log from my hosting provider also clearly shows the root of the cause:

    Mon Jul 30 00:07:51 2007: used 0.09 seconds of cpu time for MYSITE.COM/modules/ja_newsflash/ja-newsflashloader.php?curnews=

    Michael Casha Friend

    Could be being affected by another extension though. What other extensions are you using?

    stephenvb Friend

    I have the same issue. I had uploaded this template, and installed the Newsflash module first with no problems.

    Throughout the evening, I added the Spotlight modules and proceed to customize those to my needs. Still, everything fine. Didn’t really like my Newsflash messages and editted the first one. Suddenly, I get a “This account has exceeded its CPU quota” message. I waited a few minutes, unpublished the Newsflash module and all is fine. I tried to unpublish the spotlights (all 3) and publish just the Newsflash. Exceeded CPU error again.

    The log file showed this:
    File does not exist: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/js/google.js
    (Update: I think this was the result of the host blocking access for CPU issues though. It disappeared a minute later.)

    After working for a few hours, it really starting acting up after I installed the spotlight module. Now I can’t run the newsflash mod period.

    No other extensions installed. I do have Expose installed, but it has never been a problem with another JA template.

    Michael Casha Friend

    Is the file /js/google.js there?

    stephenvb Friend

    I don’t appear to have access to this directory from my host (bluehost), but I did run accross this CPU log file.

    Maybe it can shed some light on what may be causing the problem?

    It’s 30KB so I can’t attach it. I’ll try to chop it down so I can attach it. I do notice a few references to another website…

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