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  • martinus Friend

    Suddenly – after a move from a windows server to another more suitable server (funny but I can’t seem to remember which type…) I’ve encountered a problem with the JA_newsflash… It doesn’t seem to use the same language settings as the rest of the site.

    The rest of the site perfectly shows both the special characters of the Danish Language… But text in files presented in the the JA_Newsflash don’t!!!

    Can anyone explain me why – and hopefully give me some indication on how to resolve this problem…

    Another funny thing: When I refresh the page the first picture shows the Danish Characters – but the next doesn’t…. And when it eventually comes back to the first image – well you geussed right: The same problem….

    Menalto Friend

    How did you export the database? And which encoding does the new one have?
    If you add new content does it show the correct then?

    martinus Friend

    Files were moved by ftp – and i guess encoding er utf-8—

    I’ve tried to publish new files. But they have the same error.

    I read another posting where the solutions should have been altering the JA-newsflashloader.php file at the line of $current charset… But it didn’t work…

    I think that it might have something to do with the module’s template… It says somethink like this…
    <div style=”overflow:hidden;”><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    Copied from the backend of the module administration

    Could it be possible to force this template description to use the UFT-8 encoding…


    martinus Friend

    Files were moved by ftp – and i guess encoding er utf-8—

    I’ve tried to publish new files. But they have the same error.

    I read another posting where the solutions should have been altering the JA-newsflashloader.php file at the line of $current charset… But it didn’t work…

    I think that it might have something to do with the module’s template… It says somethink like this…
    <div style=”overflow:hidden;”><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    Copied from the backend of the module administration

    Could it be possible to force this template description to use the UFT-8 encoding…


    Menalto Friend

    I need to catch up with the developer of this module tomorrow, i have mentioned some problems earlier and it was talked about an upgrade.

    martinus Friend

    Hi again
    Have been stroling through my site in order to find the commands for the nftitle and nfcontent…without any luck… But I’noticed that in my template.css there is a reference to nftitle and nfcontent under something called Spotlight.

    But I can’t change anything which will force the the frontpage to show the Danish characters…

    Any luck on your investigations…

    Hopefully Claus

    lasor123 Friend


    I have the same problem whit danish Char. What to do…?

    Best, Fortza

    lasor123 Friend


    Is there no one who can help?

    Best, Fortza

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lasor123 16 years, 1 month ago.

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