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  • eurolaw Friend

    I have a problem with ja newsflash (joomla 1.5.7). It is not rotating and generates an error.I have read all the solutions on the forum, but is seems none of them is working for me. I would like my whole site working correctly, before I publish it on a livesite. I have read the solution regarding live_site in the config file. Could it be there is something wrong here. I’m not sure what I have to mention there in case of localhost. I have also tried to replace the jascroll.js, but then the error changes in no category selected.

    bennitos Friend

    What is the error you are getting.

    Also a know issue with slideshow is that it doesnt run properly out of the box when you turn SEO (search friendly url’s) on in joomla. If you have it on, turn it off and see if that fixes the problem.

    If it does i can point you to some fixes regarding seo and slideshow

    eurolaw Friend

    It says error on line 4, object expected. I have turned off sef, this does not help.

    eurolaw Friend

    I have made a test site to show you the problem. I have used the quickstart and did not install anything else. See http://www.griendbewoners.nl/

    eurolaw Friend

    I really need to have this problem solved. I have renewed the ja newsflash through ftp. Now the error message has disappeared but JA newsflash is still not scrolling.

    bennitos Friend

    <em>@eurolaw 95827 wrote:</em><blockquote>I really need to have this problem solved. I have renewed the ja newsflash through ftp. Now the error message has disappeared but JA newsflash is still not scrolling.</blockquote>

    Im trying to look at your website but it says my IP adress is blocked :confused:

    eurolaw Friend

    I have removed the ip blocker , so you can take a look now.

    gibou Friend

    I have the same problem… I use artio for the SEF and I tried it without sef activated and its not rotating. few weeks ago it was working… There is the link: http://la15nord.com/pause-cafe/index.html

    eurolaw Friend

    I have paid for support, but until now my problem has not been solved. I think this is an important function of the template and I expect it to work correctly.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    The problem here is, I do not know if that differs from yours, that I have no SEF active, all access permissions of the module are on 755 and the module simply does not fade the content. There are no error messages yet, no broken layout, the module content simply does not fade. It is fresh new installation without anything changed except some graphics in the images and template/images folder via FTP.

    scotty Friend

    This is a file permission problem.

    When JA_news attempts to access…


    The server is returning a 403: access forbidden warning.

    I am presuming that the script path is correct. Check to see if the script does exist at those locations and then check file permissions.

    EDIT: I Checked… that paths are correct so it is definitely a Permissions problem. Set folders to 755 and files to 644

    wooohanetworks Friend

    I don’t know, on my installation from today, by default the permissions were on 755 for folders and 644 for the files. But it is not working. I changed the permissions to 755 also for files and no change, the content does not fade. Also after restart of the system.

    scotty Friend

    I don’t know about your case Wooh, do you have a live URL?

    In the OP’s case it is most certainly a permission issue (as you can see by clicking the links above).

    Try 777 on the folders if 755 does not work.

    Just to verify…

    Here is the op’s scroll.js…

    and here is a different Mageia sites scroll.js…

    as you can see, there is a 403: Access Denied on the OPs site.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Like I said, there is no permissions issue here, I also get no 404 error when doing the same url with my site but can access the code on 755, very nice. Problem is, no one should even be able to read the code out, so 644 is the must, but I usually can also read the code on 644. Now I would have to blame the whole internet for this, for why I cannot set such modules code to never been even read by public users, nice…

    On 777 same result.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    I just want to add that the problem that comes up on my site is not any of the issues that were solved with all the prior answers or the tutorials etc..

    None of the issues shown there relate to the problem on my site that simply no rotation occurs, when reloading or navigating through the site, the fields randomly switch, there are no error messages or other faults. The module simply doesn’t rotate.


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