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  • dialogcoach Friend

    Hi, no matter what I do in the configuration page of the janewsflash module, it just shows up as a grey rectangle, with no content in it. I even tried changing the categories (filled w/ content). I am using the version for joomla 1.5. Any ideas?

    allanpro Friend

    I get the same…. http://www.allau-it.dk

    dialogcoach Friend

    Anyone have any ideas? Any solution to this problem?

    jkab Friend

    Why not post a screenshot of your settings in the module?

    dialogcoach Friend

    I can, but it wont matter…I can change the confiuration to anything and it still shows up as a grey rectangle. No matter what I do to the config settings.

    Here it is anyway: http://dialogcoach.com/config.jpg

    dialogcoach Friend

    so no ideas anyone? allanpro says he is experiencing the same issue, so I guess its not just me.

    allanpro Friend

    Yep – I havent solved my problem yet…. and you can see my config here: http://www.allau-it.dk!

    weeklycolumns Friend

    I have put a module in user5 to test it and it works. Does anyone know how you change the gray background to another colour?

    dialogcoach Friend

    anyone able to solve this yet??

    cymax Friend

    Same problem here…

    Check: http://di-aszune.eu/gray.gif

    cymax Friend

    The code it gives seems to be off but i’m no wizzkid, can someone tell me if this code is correct please

    <div style="overflow:hidden; height:323px;" ><div class="nfimages">##IMAGE##</div><div class="nftitle">##TITLE##</div><div class="nfcontent">##CONTENT##</div></div>

    mj1256 Friend

    i used this

    <div style=”overflow:hidden; height:200px;” ><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    323 is provbably too high

    I also created a new section and category and used that and it worked fine.

    qfirdaus Friend

    …Please help!,,

    How to remove User 4 and User 5 Position and make header in full size

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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