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  • heidim Friend

    I was having a problem with CSS validation on my site using the JA Erica template. The validator was giving several of the following errors for the main site URI:

    <blockquote>Property heigh doesn’t exist : 99</blockquote>

    It turned out to be a bug in the JA Newslight module. It is fixed by changing line 36 in modules/mod_janewslight/ja_newslight/common.php

    from this:
    [PHP]$image = substr ($image, 0, -2) . ” style=”heigh:$height” />”;[/PHP]

    to this:
    [PHP]$image = substr ($image, 0, -2) . ” height=”$height” />”;[/PHP]

    Menalto Friend

    Good that it you made it validate then:)

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