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  • pablojinko Friend

    I’m developing my site here: http://www.deportesmontreal.com

    Here’s what I did and the problem I’m having…

    I tried adding a JA Newspro module in the sl1-l position, to showcase some articles below the JA news fp module.

    I enabled the module but It showed in a weird manner, like really thin with lots of white space to the right. I decided to delete the module but then I realized that the problem also affected the default JA newspro module positioned at JA news 1.

    I have this problem only with the “default” theme. If I use the linear theme it shows to full width.

    I checked the site with firebug and found the problem but I have no idea how to solve it. It’s like the module set itself to a 33.3% width. (I attach the screenshot)

    Thanks in advance

    1. width-problem
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello mate

    I have reseted the configuration to the default,
    The module displays well

    Please check for me

    aman204 Friend

    It seems to appear fine now

    Mainly, Ensure to have columns set to 1 in display settings (module parameters) and columns as 3 in theme settings

    pablojinko Friend

    Thanks!! Now it appears perfectly

    Can you tell me if it was only that? that I had the columns setting under Display settings set to other than 1?

    If that’s the case, I apologize for the dumb mistake :-[ lol

    Once again, thank you very much Aman!!

    minsunlee Friend

    Hi I have problem with my ja news pro as well

    It works fine everywere but homepage I mean when you click on subcategory (linear) it loads whole page instead of k2 content…

    check it for yourself please http://www.wexford-pl.com

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi Minsunlee,

    Please provide me your website information via ticket id KAY-479-39094, I need to debug in your site to give you solutions.


    minsunlee Friend

    ok i did leave my info there

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  minsunlee 13 years, 9 months ago.

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