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  • abdenour Friend

    Hi Joomlart Team,

    I have install your template and create a group “registered” for my users. They logged on my site with the joomla authentification only.
    Sometimes when they try to log in (on the login page) on my website they are redirect to the login page a second time after they have enter their login and password. Therefore when i clear the cache (on the backend maintenance) they can successfully log in.

    There is below on the debuging joomla console what I have. (an error).

    1. Échec de la suppression de css_7b2537897fbea18a29c7658816251f0e.debug.css
    Call stack
    # Function Location
    1 JSite->render() JROOTindex.php:48
    2 JDocumentHTML->parse() JROOTincludesapplication.php:260
    3 JDocumentHTML->_fetchTemplate() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:414
    4 JDocumentHTML->_loadTemplate() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:591
    5 require() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:531
    6 T3Template->render() JROOTtemplatesja_nexindex.php:19
    7 T3Head->proccess() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3coretemplate.php:7 25
    8 T3Head->optimizecss() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3corehead.php:164
    9 JFile::delete() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3corehead.php:562
    10 JError::raiseWarning() JROOTlibrariesjoomlafilesystemfile.php:213
    11 JError::raise() JROOTlibrariesjoomlaerrorerror.php:276

    2. Échec de la suppression de css_7b2537897fbea18a29c7658816251f0e.debug.css-import
    Call stack
    # Function Location
    1 JSite->render() JROOTindex.php:48
    2 JDocumentHTML->parse() JROOTincludesapplication.php:260
    3 JDocumentHTML->_fetchTemplate() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:414
    4 JDocumentHTML->_loadTemplate() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:591
    5 require() JROOTlibrariesjoomladocumenthtmlhtml.php:531
    6 T3Template->render() JROOTtemplatesja_nexindex.php:19
    7 T3Head->proccess() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3coretemplate.php:7 25
    8 T3Head->optimizecss() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3corehead.php:164
    9 JFile::delete() JROOTpluginssystemjat3jat3corehead.php:563
    10 JError::raiseWarning() JROOTlibrariesjoomlafilesystemfile.php:213
    11 JError::raise() JROOTlibrariesjoomlaerrorerror.php:276



    session.counter ⇒ 4
    session.timer.start ⇒ 1333833563
    session.timer.last ⇒ 1333833574
    session.timer.now ⇒ 1333833643
    session.client.browser ⇒ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
    registry ⇒ {“users”:{“login”:{“form”:{“data”:{“return”:”http: //intranet.myoffice.fr/accueil”}}}}}


    session.token ⇒ 4256db671c9469afd58180cfa94c1d51


    abdenour Friend

    Hey Joomlart Team… No response :((

    abdenour Friend

    Always nothing response !!!!!!!!

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi abdenour,

    I need your site access to look into this case a bit further. If possibly you can either edit this thread giving your site access or you can send me a PM with admin access would be awesome!


    abdenour Friend

    Sorry, but I can’t give you an access because it’s an intranet website. Is it a problem with the session folder or anything other ?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi abdenour,

    It’s hard to tell what problem you are facing. If possibly, can you back up your site, database, code file, and pm me the download link 😉

    We’ll try to look into what wrong with the site and update you 🙂

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi abdenour,

    I think this’s just a caching problem, your users actually have been logged in but because of caching they still seeing the log in form appear after logged, you can try to exclude caching for your login form, go to the template back-end at the field of Cache Exclude you enter a value, for example

    Here you should replace pos1 by the position of your login module.
    I hope this is the case, if it’s not you can pm me your url, the admin account I might will take a look at the problem for you.

    abdenour Friend

    Thanks for your reply Dat Hoang,

    For your information I think it’s that what you say because when I have this bug (when somebody log in and after he is redirect to the login page), after clearing and purge the cache on the backend the bug disappear and all users can log in on my intranet.

    I will try what you say and give you some news in a few days.

    abdenour Friend

    Hi Dat Hoang,

    Here is what I do today. On the template back-end at the field Cache Exlude I have enter this parameter : component=com_users.
    I didn’t have enter something like postion=pos1 because my login form is not a mod_login but I have do a link on the main menu to a connexion page. A question : Is this the correct settings should I put (component=com_users) ?

    After a few login test, I think the authentication is ok but one time when I try to log in I had this error message on a white page : Invalid security Identification with this url : http://my-domain.com/component/users/?task=user.login. Except this error message I think all is ok. but I think it is too early to tell. I must think a little more perspective

    After that I have do anothers tests. I have clear the field Cache Exclude on the template back-end and try to do some connexion on the login form. The result is sometimes that work correctly and I have successfully login and sometimes I have the error message below :

    JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1062 - Duplicate entry '62r61c33bvjaoklsklog9romr3' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `ug2b4_session` (`session_id`, `data`, `time`) VALUES ('62r61c33bvjaoklsklog9romr3', '__default|a:8:{s:15:"session.counter";i:4;s:19:"session.timer.start";i:1335035848;s:18:"session.timer.last";i:1335035851;s:17:"session.timer.now";i:1335035865;s:22:"session.client.browser";s:72:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0";s:8:"registry";O:9:"JRegistry":1:{s:7:"*data";O:8:"stdClass":1:{s:5:"users";O:8:"stdClass":1:{s:5:"login";O:8:"stdClass":1:{s:4:"form";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:6:"return";s:35:"http://intranet.coriolis.fr/accueil";s:4:"data";a:1:{s:6:"return";s:39:"index.php?option=com_users&view=profile";}}}}}}s:4:"user";O:5:"JUser":23:{s:9:"*isRoot";b:1;s:2:"id";s:3:"325";s:4:"name";s:16:"Abdenour";s:8:"username";s:3:"test";s:5:"email";s:27:"abdenour@toto.fr";s:8:"password";s:65:"ca52975056f100ea218e86f482fbf3e6:LMkncx1IiqHn7vfs6A4cohnYOIdIgDzT";s:14:"password_clear";s:0:"";s:8:"usertype";s:0:"";s:5:"block";s:1:"0";s:9:"sendEmail";s:1:"1";s:12:"registerDate";s:19:"2012-03-30 18:39:47";s:13:"lastvisitDate";s:19:"2012-04-21 19:17:28";s:10:"activation";s:0:"";s:6:"params";s:108:"{"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"jce","helpsite":"","timezone":"Europe\/Paris"}";s:6:"groups";a:1:{i:8;s:1:"8";}s:5:"guest";i:0;s:10:"*_params";O:9:"JRegistry":1:{s:7:"*data";O:8:"stdClass":6:{s:11:"admin_style";s:0:"";s:14:"admin_language";s:0:"";s:8:"language";s:0:"";s:6:"editor";s:3:"jce";s:8:"helpsite";s:0:"";s:8:"timezone";s:12:"Europe/Paris";}}s:14:"*_authGroups";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:8;}s:14:"*_authLevels";a:4:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;i:3;}s:15:"*_authActions";N;s:12:"*_errorMsg";N;s:10:"*_errors";a:0:{}s:3:"aid";i:0;}s:13:"session.token";s:32:"25068b146689c9c624f5f29d26f82404";}', '1335035866')

    Call stack
    # Function Location
    1 JSession->__destruct()
    2 JSession->close() C:UwAmpwwwlibrariesjoomlasessionsession.php:134
    3 session_write_close() C:UwAmpwwwlibrariesjoomlasessionsession.php:672
    4 JSessionStorageDatabase->write()
    5 JDatabaseMySQLi->query() C:UwAmpwwwlibrariesjoomlasessionstoragedatabase.php:129
    6 JError::raiseError() C:UwAmpwwwlibrariesjoomladatabasedatabasemysqli.php:396
    7 JError::raise() C:UwAmpwwwlibrariesjoomlaerrorerror.php:251

    The question I ask myself is: the problem I have is really linked to a cache problem and do the settings recommended in the cache exclude field is the right one that will solve my auhtentication problem.

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    chavan Friend

    Hi abdenour

    First, you try to set Enable Dev Mode = No, Cache Mode = Disabled
    Second, you must sure that T3 Framework plugins is ordered in bottom of system plugins.

    If it still get errors, I think this is an issue in your form login.

    The errors in debug console don’t affect to session in your website, it is just conflict when optimizing css/js.
    Your website could work with this conflict.


    abdenour Friend

    My actually configuration is that :


    Enable Dev Mode : No
    Cache Mode : Enabled
    Cache Exclude : component=com_users

    Cache parameter : progressive cache

    System cache : disabled

    Is this the correct setting ?

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@Do Ha 315423 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi abdenour

    First, you try to set Enable Dev Mode = No, Cache Mode = Disabled
    Second, you must sure that T3 Framework plugins is ordered in bottom of system plugins.

    If it still get errors, I think this is an issue in your form login.

    The errors in debug console don’t affect to session in your website, it is just conflict when optimizing css/js.
    Your website could work with this conflict.


    Thanks Abdenour,

    I received your info and will get back to you asap 😎

    Anonymous Moderator

    As I promised, I’m back with the solution:
    – You can check out the settings as we suggest here .
    – For the error of Debug menu, it would not affect on anything, it was just report back that you have deleted the unavailable file.

    Hope this helps!

    1. template_settings
    abdenour Friend

    Thanks for your reply. I will test this configuration but I don’t understand why I can’t enable the cache mode.
    Is the cache mode do the bug when someone try to log in into my intranet and redirect to the login form again ?

    Have you see my backup website I have send you on a PM message to try resolve this problem ?

    abdenour Friend


    I have test the configuration (dev mode= disabled, cache mode= disabled), I have always the same problem about the authentication.
    To resume, the authentication work correctly during one day and after when someone want to login on the frontend he is redirect to the login form. He try again to login a seconde or third time, he always redirect to the login form. After that when I’ll go on the backend > maintenance and clear cache, purge expired cache and clean JAT3 cache, the members can login successfully during again one another day. I have to empty those caches once a day, every day.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

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