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  • mmservices Friend

    Hello to all,

    I would like to change the colour of the ja_cssmenu, i’ve attached a screenshot of the area I want to change. It is the 2nd level menu. Only the color shall be changed, the transparency effect shall remain.

    How to make those modifications?

    Replacing the original trans-bg.png against another png did not work for some reason, although i guess that the new png was transparent too.

    Please explain eventual procedures a bit in detail, if possible.

    Kind regards in advance.



    1. Screen-shot-2011-03-31-at-16.18.56
    khoand Friend

    It’s right.New png must be transparent

    mmservices Friend

    Dear khoand,

    thank you for this input, that works like adviced.

    In the context of the 2nd menu a further problem/question has arised:

    When you look on our test-site at , you see that the 2nd menu is set off vertically by a small gap from the horizontal main menu.

    This is wanted.

    The solution we have chosen is not quite the best. We have achieved this effect by adding a border with a white background onto the 2nd level ja-cssmenu li ul as you can see from the css code below:

    /* 2nd level and above */
    #ja-cssmenu li ul {
    background: #e0e0e0;

    border-top: 10px solid #ffffff; !important /*<—- Padding 2nd Menu from Horizontal Main Menu */
    display: block;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #202020;

    This method is not really targeting for example if a shadow effect shall be added to the entire frame:


    background: #e0e0e0;

    border-top: 10px solid #ffffff; !important /*<—- Padding 2nd Menu from Horizontal Main Menu */
    display: block;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #202020;

    /* Begin Added shadow effect */

    -moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;
    /* For IE 8 */
    -ms-filter: “progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color=’#000000′)”;
    /* For IE 5.5 – 7 */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color=’#000000′);

    /*End Added Shadow Effect */


    With the border-top element, the shadow effect would span over the whole construction vertically, including the border.

    Which is unwanted.

    Can you provide us with a better solution on how to solve that, respectively to bypass this problem?

    Best regards,


    Best regards,


    khoand Friend

    I viewed your css: file

    #ja-cssmenu li a {
    vertical-align: middle;
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    color: #666;
    padding: 0px 25px 0px 25px;
    text-transform: regular;
    line-height: 25px;
    height: 25px;
    border-bottom: 10px solid white !important; <-- gap

    – It’s diference from you said. If you add shadow code into #ja-cssmenu li ul, it works normally

    mmservices Friend

    Dear khoand,

    yes it’s true.

    in the meantime we changed the ‘gap-instruction’ from #ja-cssmenu li ul (border-top: 10px solid #ffffff; !important) to #ja-cssmenu li a (border-bottom: 10px solid white !important;).

    Why this?

    It’s because with a border-top instruction the gap (10px) would also be included into the shadow.

    This is unwanted, because the 10px shall span the 2nd menu from the horizontal main menu optically and the shadow border shall just cover parts of the 2nd menu.

    and now comes the core-question:

    if we change the border-instruction into the #ja-cssmenu li a -file, we can realize that shadow effect because the border instruction does not belong to the 2nd menu.

    but doing so brings also an other unwanted side effect:

    when somebody hovers over the white gap between the main menu and tne 2nd menu, then the the mouse is activated as like when hovering on the horizontal main menu item. Logically, because the white gap part belongs to #ja-cssmenu li a.

    How can this problem be solved?

    Can you recommend a ‘workaround’ to bypass this mouse-effect when hovering onto the white gap?

    Or can you recommend a totally different solution to construct this white gap?

    Any targeting advice is heavily appreciated.



    khoand Friend

    You add this code

    into #ja-cssmenu li ul

    khoand Friend

    I don’t see 3rd menu level
    similar menu issue –> your help would be fantastic
    dear khoand,

    a few days ago you helped us out with the solution of a similar menu problem.

    may we ask you again for your help?

    we have a weird problem to be solved:

    in our main menu (left side) we have 3 menu levels.

    functionality is ok, menues are working technically well.

    regarding the css design we notice a problem with the active/hover/passive state of the level 3 menu.

    when the level 2 element (Sprinkler-Löschsysteme) gets an active state, all elements of level 3 (childs of ‘Sprinkler-Löschsysteme’ got an active state (underline).

    this is wrong and unwanted.

    our website:

    any targeting help is appreciated much.

    with our best regards,


    mmservices Friend

    Dear Khoand,

    thank you for your message.

    Yes, in the horizontal menu the 3rd menu is not visible, but on the left side menu you will notice that all 3rd menu items are underlined (see: screenshot).

    Only the active item must be underlined.

    We could not manage it via css instructions to correct this issue.

    Here we need urgently a targeting advice.

    For your help we thank you in advance.

    Best regards,


    1. Screen-shot-2011-04-04-at-19.11.40
    khoand Friend

    Sorry for reply lately. I checked your website that works normally

    mmservices Friend

    Dear khoand,

    yes, sure. now it is working normally.

    we had assistance from Chavan, a forum member. It was a tricky thing with level3 active items.

    Another problem with the menu styling:

    Go to our website: and check with internet explorer (IE7, IE8) the following:

    1. hover on a active menu on the HORIZONTAL menu.

    2. hover out from the active menu item down into the pulldown menu.

    in safari and firefox the active state of the main menu item remains blue (background color) when hovering down into the pulldown menu.

    in IE7 and IE 8 not.

    This is wrong and unwanted.

    Can you check this for us and advise us on how to solve this issue, please?

    Best regards,


    khoand Friend

    You try this way:
    – Add this code into file

    #ja-cssmenu li:hover{
    background: #102b72;

    mmservices Friend

    Dear Khoand,

    thank you for your reply.

    Again, your suggestion is absolutely perfect.

    The solution works as you proposed: Internet Explorer (older than IE9) obviously demand this combinated instruction to be able to ‘keep in mind’ the active state of 1st level active items in the horizontal menu when hovering out to the 2nd level pulldown menu.

    Thanks again for your support.

    Best regards,


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mmservices 13 years, 5 months ago.

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